Understanding M2 Server Configuration Options Mir2 

Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
Well been going through the m2 server options and there are a lot of things in here at i don't really understand, so just posting here, hoping you can help.

View > Lists >
Game log
Drop limiter
Item name
IP binding

Options > Genral Config> Networrk Addresses>
messeage server ip adress set to

Options > Game Configrations > General
power rates > monster = 10 when i change this it only seems to change the a speed of mobs
power rates > items = 10 when i change this, it seem to mess up all the orbs and gems, and only adds stats to a select few items.

Options > Game Configrations> server mode
Server modes > not sure what any of them mean

Options > Game Configrations> Miscellaneous

Options > Game Configrations> Game Speed
Dont know what any of this stuff is for

Options > Game Configrations> War/Time settings
Save human RCD
Free delay time

Options > Game Configrations>
Normal chat

Options > Function Configurations> General
Hunger system, dose this work?

Options > Function Configurations> Master
Whats this and is it working?

Options > Function Configurations> Rebrith
Is this working?

Options > Function Configurations> monsters levels
no idea waht any of this is.

Options > Function Configurations> Monsay
Understand what it is, but ot sure how it works.

Options > Function Configurations>
No idea what this is.

Options > Function Configurations> magics
Taming level, not really sure what this is for.

Thank you.

Options > Server Vales
I have no idea wat any of this is.
@VirUs, maybe its time that i could do with your help, well sort of, or expalanation of rebirth. i have seen npc scripts for it with M2 servers, and realise that the database for items needs changing if you want only rebirthed people to wear. But what is the point of rebirth? Does it set you to the level said in the script, but you keep the player stats you had at the level before rebirth. and is the player name meant to flash blue every 10 seconds or so (mine did on testing). Im not asking for your secrets, just what is it about?
Come on share :P
I had a weird bug today, people find item in there store that need rebirth 4 and 5 to wear, the thing was, the items in question, didn't have those stats in the database.
lol soz was actually gonna post straight after but had 2 go g/f arrived lol so sorry

right i did mine via qfunction so as soon as the char get to lvl 60

renewlevel 1 2 3

1 is the renew level (rebirth level)
2 is the level the char changes to after rebirth
3 is the amount of bonus points given(td has yet to sort this to work properly)

the stats dont actually stay the same as that of the lvl 60, but the bonus points can they them choose what stats they want to add

nice one thanks :)
Guessing it would be the sam for an npc