• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

[Updater] UpdateSvr 2.1

sure ...
put the files what u want to update in Srv0 or Srv1
write ur notice in notice.txt /start UpdateSvr /click File => Load Notice
then click Server => MainSvr / then wait till finish with loading then
click File => Save / last step click File => Start

and u need to edit the orginal KalOnline.exe , cfg

Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

UpdateIP = "What comes here?"
UpdatePort = 50003
Client = "engine.exe"
ExcIP = and here?
Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

hmm i tryed much things but it keeps saying server is on maintance (when i start kalonline.exe) cant press start game or anything else help pls i am out of idea's ^^
Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

how can i edit an .exe file >.> realy n00b @ this xD
Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

ok np an ty
but now i see all this :\ all i can think OMFG how this work xD where is ip standing xD first time i see something like this:P
Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

just use search ctrl+f and search for text string eupdate.kalonline.co.kr or eupdate.kalonline.com

Something like that dunno for sure I'm not at home so cant check but you should be able to do the job now
Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

I have all the client files in a rar file... lets get it to my host.... BOOM your welcome

Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

ok.. i think i got it now thanks for your help dope and koen ;)
Re: UpdateSvr 2.1

ok it finnaly work but only 1 more thing.. it dont update.. can you also help me with that >.>:scratch:

Srry dubble post >.<