Updating Client

Feb 13, 2007
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hello, as an owner of an offline ragnarok server, i encountered quite a few problems.

I was wondering if there is a way to update the client to the newest NOT by downloading the whole Ragnarok/Sakray Client which gets up to 2gb.

I'm guessing one way could be downloading separate grf files and extracting onto the data folder?

Helps will be greatly appreciated.

Sorry if this topic has been discussed before, i've been trying to search, but no results were found.
Yeah, make your own launcher. You should be able to play with only Sakray and a few extra files. Edit the game, put everything together, and it should be less than 2 Gb.
umm, i do not know how to do that, does that procedure have to do with the neoncube auto patcher or some sort?

thank you for the reply, i really appreciate it
I don't really know the exact names of the files needed except for the complete Sakray package.

Try installing only Sakray in a folder, then try launching the game. It should give you the error of the missing files. Then copy the missing files of your complete folder (with Sakray & Ragnarok installed) to the Sakray only folder. Then put everything in one file, and voila you've got your 1 Gb + game :P

The neoncube auto-patcher (Prana is easy for newbies) is used most of the time to update the data folder. You can also use it to download the complete client with it, but I suggest you try making your own client first ^^

I'm really sorry, but I never made my own client before so I don't exactly know how to do it.