US Opioid Crisis

Apr 9, 2005
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To quote NIDA, "Every day, more than 115 Americans die from overdosinging on opioids." [1]
And the rate for suspected opioid OD in the US seems to be growing.

In his rousing speech, [strike]daddy[/strike] president Trump called for the broadening public awareness about addiction, expanding access to treatment and recovery efforts, and getting tough with the drug dealers, death penalty levels of tough.

The WH website published a fact sheet, of a kind, which lists the exact ways the government hopes to achieve that goal of a stronger, healthier, and a drug-free society. [2]

What's your take on the issue? Will that suffice or are more stricter measures required?

But to begin stirring the pot, an opinion - A complete ban on opioids will affect the US opioid crisis in a favourable way.

There was an RCT with 411 accident and emergency department (A&E) patients with acute extremity pain, the question of that trial was simple - are any of 4 oral combination painkillers (3 with different opioids, 1 opioid-free) more effective in reducing moderate to sever acute extremity pain in the A&E? [3]
The trial concluded that ibuprofen + paracetamol are as effective as paracetamol + oxycodone/hydrocodone/codeine. (Check the specifics in the link).
Of course, that is just one situation, nevertheless, it does raise the question, are the US MDs overprescribing opioids that much?

As a counter-point, opioids seem to be the go-to drugs for patients with cancer pain. And while there are proponents of using marijuana for pain management, the to date evidence for the use of cannabinoids for analgesia has been disappointing [4]. So a complete ban on opioids would cause immeasurable harm to this vulnerable population.

Additional point, the development of new painkillers is stunted, the reasons are many, most are about cost-efficiency, new analgesics not quite living up to the expectations, and are discussed in articles listed as 5 and 6.






Initiate Mage
May 29, 2020
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I always told people that opioids is the worst stuff in the world. Banning it is the right thing to be done.

Agreed. Because opioids ruin people's lives. My cousin died because of it. This poor guy... he had a lot of issues, and he just wasn't able to handle it. TBH, I don't think that if people stop use opioids at all, there will be any problems. There are a lot of other pain killers that can be used for people who need it. For example, my dad uses CBD. We buy for him every month. This is a good stuff - helps him with his awful spinal pain after surgery.
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