well wont mention anynames tonto but it does get right on my tits when people type completely incoherently >.<
now im not asking spell everything right its not a bloody english exam. use abreviations by all means and lose punctuation
dun tk lik this ah meen cum on nots lyk wer al fukin retards!!!!1
u c it meses wit ur eyez an wen u fink bout it it dusnt mayk sens
ahh just re reading that is doin my head in lol
so in conclusion if there is one, stop typing like monkeys (if you already do)
i thank you please.
now im not asking spell everything right its not a bloody english exam. use abreviations by all means and lose punctuation
dun tk lik this ah meen cum on nots lyk wer al fukin retards!!!!1
u c it meses wit ur eyez an wen u fink bout it it dusnt mayk sens
ahh just re reading that is doin my head in lol
so in conclusion if there is one, stop typing like monkeys (if you already do)
i thank you please.