Usefull Info for stop server crash

Retired Developer
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Well i give you the secret why your server crash over and over and over and over and over

Reasons :

  1. you give sycee at registration
  2. addcash doesnt update properly
  3. you give cash to an inactive user so if you dont clear ur table server will generate errors

Fix :
  • Remove sycee at account creation (the call addcash)
  • Be sure that before you send Sycee to an account that table point is filled with account id
    from this one => if account is not generated there => account not found => authd crash
  • From my webplatform you have database with fix try to understand how i manage it with now_sn (table users) and addcash procedure this is important else server crash

That all folks
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