This post is dedicated to our username1 and all of her/his fans!!!
AND NOW... a little bit of vocabuary!!!
Because we allways start as newbies
I have to say: thanks username1, now my vocabulary is more complete then ever!
Please feel free to GTFOing quote lurking moar username1 posts
This post is dedicated to our username1 and all of her/his fans!!!
LURK MOAR, n00b.
Too bad, noone can. So quit complainin and shut up.
WTF? Use your Brain and *think*.
It is apparent from this thread and his previous posts that this user does not have the prerequisite knowledge required to setup a Gunbound server.
Lurk moar or give up.
urasat, shut up and lurk moar.
You found the thread, now read and repeat until understood.
If you still do not understand, I suggest you give up.
You don't want to know? You don't want to learn? Get out.
I have a 10-year-old daughter. She knows basic programming and Linux commands already. Anyway, that's none of your business. I am only giving a force to coerce the noobs in the right direction.
GTFO. This is the Gunbound forum, moron.
You just don't understand, do you?
We were all noobs once, but that doesn't mean we stay noob.
When I was in school, corporal punishment was the norm. Did I like it? Not one bit. However, it provided the impetus to improve. The lamers who couldn't achieve were simply kicked out, and those who survived became better. Going back online, if we don't give the noobs enough "force", they'll stay noobs per se. You can see just how far this generation has degraded ever since then. Or maybe you can't, since you're blind to it anyway.
The argument I'm making is that my Posts are a positive influence because they'll cause the weak noobs to simply give up, while those that survive get better, and thus eventually contribute
sage for offtopic
AND NOW... a little bit of vocabuary!!!
Because we allways start as newbies
I have to say: thanks username1, now my vocabulary is more complete then ever!
Please feel free to GTFOing quote lurking moar username1 posts