username1 quotes, because we love her (him?!?)

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score

This post is dedicated to our username1 and all of her/his fans!!!

LURK MOAR, n00b.

Too bad, noone can. So quit complainin and shut up.

WTF? Use your Brain and *think*.

It is apparent from this thread and his previous posts that this user does not have the prerequisite knowledge required to setup a Gunbound server.

Lurk moar or give up.

urasat, shut up and lurk moar.

You found the thread, now read and repeat until understood.

If you still do not understand, I suggest you give up.

You don't want to know? You don't want to learn? Get out.

I have a 10-year-old daughter. She knows basic programming and Linux commands already. Anyway, that's none of your business. I am only giving a force to coerce the noobs in the right direction.

GTFO. This is the Gunbound forum, moron.

You just don't understand, do you?

We were all noobs once, but that doesn't mean we stay noob.

When I was in school, corporal punishment was the norm. Did I like it? Not one bit. However, it provided the impetus to improve. The lamers who couldn't achieve were simply kicked out, and those who survived became better. Going back online, if we don't give the noobs enough "force", they'll stay noobs per se. You can see just how far this generation has degraded ever since then. Or maybe you can't, since you're blind to it anyway.

The argument I'm making is that my Posts are a positive influence because they'll cause the weak noobs to simply give up, while those that survive get better, and thus eventually contribute

sage for offtopic

AND NOW... a little bit of vocabuary!!!


Because we allways start as newbies

I have to say: thanks username1, now my vocabulary is more complete then ever!

Please feel free to GTFOing quote lurking moar username1 posts ;)

I think you forgot this one:

lurk moar

...and I can share my archive of copypasta if you want, I think I posted it in Spamzilla before. Samples:
We have certain requirements of posters here on these Forums. One of them is the requirement that Posters do their OWN homework before they post, and read How to ask a question before doing so.

You have not demonstrated to us that you have done any of this. Start using your own brain and actually do some work before Posting!
And what have you done in an attempt to find a solution to your problem, other than Posting here? Here, you don't just get to ask, you have to show that you have attempted to find the answer yourself before Posting.

Read How to ask a question and all the pertinent threads here, and try again.
Time for YOU to tell US what research YOU have done to attempt to find the answer to YOUR question. Here, you don't just get to reach a problem and then run here to post your question. YOU need to try to find the answer yourself, such as by searching on the net, and by telling us that you have searched and what you searched for.
Again it is obvious that you did NOT read any of the other threads nor How to ask a question nor demonstrated that you have done ANYTHING to attempt to solve your own problem.

We have Rules and procedures here which Posters are required to follow. One of the important ones is that YOU show that you have made an effort to solve YOUR PROBLEM ON YOUR OWN. If you did NOT try to help yourself, you wouldn't deserve help HERE. If YOU did attempt to help yourself solve this problem, you have still FAILED to SHOW that YOU did ANYTHING to find the answer to YOUR question.

Tell US what YOU have done to try to find the answer to this question, BESIDES asking for the ANSWER here.
Now, let's compare it with his posts.

username1 quotes, because we love her (him?!?)


This post is dedicated to our username1 and all of her/his fans!!!

Forum: Gunbound 02-20-2007, 09:34 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos


Forum: Gunbound 02-20-2007, 09:33 AM
Replies: 11 lalalala
Views: 48 Posted By elegos

Forum: Gunbound 02-19-2007, 08:24 PM
Replies: 11 lalalala
Views: 48 Posted By elegos
ok man, WHERE are you trying to access?

ok man, WHERE are you trying to access?

Forum: Gunbound 02-19-2007, 09:59 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
Yes, I know, but is THERE that I need support!...

Yes, I know, but is THERE that I need support! Where I get all the files to put in the directories I have to set in the table?

Forum: Gunbound 02-18-2007, 03:41 PM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
@username1 you're also...


you're also stupid:

Option 1: you're not a girl
Option 2: you're...

Forum: Gunbound 02-18-2007, 11:41 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
As you like to push up your stupid reply counter,...

As you like to push up your stupid reply counter, little swine boy, I have to say to you: TH =/= WC!!!

In all the guides here about the MySQL part they are talking about XFS files, and folders with...

Forum: Gunbound 02-17-2007, 11:12 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
You stupid monkey! I KNOW mysql! I just don't...

You stupid monkey! I KNOW mysql! I just don't know WHAT to put into the tables, not HOW!!!

As point 1, stupid monkey <.<

Forum: Gunbound 02-16-2007, 09:20 PM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
Argot: Choose your language and translate it! In...

Argot: Choose your language and translate it! In italian is 'gergo' Dizionari lingue (Dizionari lingue)

I just don't want a MYSQL MANUAL, but just WHAT TO PUT INTO!


Forum: Gunbound 02-15-2007, 11:02 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
that's it: it was the hexed code: I've...

that's it: it was the hexed code: I've misunderstood: you have to put HEX zeroes, not string zeroes for extra characters

NOW: how to let the client connect to the server?

I've downloaded the...

Forum: Gunbound 02-15-2007, 08:54 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
ok I'll try to change Accept setting -> not so...

ok I'll try to change Accept setting -> not so hard to search if you know what to search...

Forum: Gunbound 02-15-2007, 12:53 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
ok thanks ^^ I'm going to sleep... hoping someone...

ok thanks ^^
I'm going to sleep... hoping someone (like Username1) will help me :D

Here is what I've done since now:

- Edited all Settings.txt files
- Used OLD_PASSWORD for access in MySQL 5.0...

Forum: Gunbound 02-15-2007, 12:18 AM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
ok I did 2 things. 1. used OLD_PASSWORD...

ok I did 2 things.

1. used OLD_PASSWORD function
2. hexed the file... tell me if it's wrong what I did...

a. searched for MySQLUSER and substituted with elegos00000
b. did the same thing with...

Forum: Gunbound 02-14-2007, 11:58 PM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
that's so strange, as I have MySQL 5.0.27...

that's so strange, as I have MySQL 5.0.27 (latest)...

EDIT: anywhere... how to hack the client? Just override a dns on hosts file?

Forum: Gunbound 02-14-2007, 11:51 PM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
thanks for the fast reply ^^ user table: Id:...

thanks for the fast reply ^^

user table:

Id: not null, no autoincrement... just leave blank?
Gender: 0 male 1 female?
Status... as Id?
Authority... ?
Country: just italy, Italy, it, IT, It,...

Forum: Gunbound 02-14-2007, 11:37 PM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
ok I've searched and looked into the GunboundWC...

ok I've searched and looked into the GunboundWC server... All settings.txt files seem to be ok (even if the majority of settings make no logical sense imho)... anyway I've mounted a mysql server and...

Forum: Gunbound 02-14-2007, 04:15 PM
Replies: 31 [help] GunboundWC server install
Views: 371 Posted By elegos
[help] GunboundWC server install

Hi there! I've read the '[MERRY CHRISTMAS] GunboundWC 100% Completed files are here!' thread, but I really don't know how to setup the server and let Gunbound connect to it instead of official...

Forum: World Of Warcraft 01-04-2007, 01:45 PM
Replies: 446 Sticky: [MaNGOS] Latest binaries and SDB (With no support questions! Only files)
Views: 232,668 Posted By elegos
ManGOS support: MaNGOS project discussion forums...

ManGOS support: MaNGOS project discussion forums (Powered by Invision Power Board) (MaNGOS project discussion forums (Powered by Invision Power Board))
Silver DataBase support: Log In (Log In)

Forum: World Of Warcraft 11-21-2006, 11:19 AM
Replies: 3 wowemu & double IP
Views: 111 Posted By elegos
Thank you I'll try it later ^^

Thank you I'll try it later ^^

Forum: World Of Warcraft 11-20-2006, 10:39 AM
Replies: 3 wowemu & double IP
Views: 111 Posted By elegos
please, can you help me?

please, can you help me?

Forum: World Of Warcraft 11-18-2006, 10:48 PM
Replies: 3 wowemu & double IP
Views: 111 Posted By elegos
wowemu & double IP

Hi there!!

I've got a problem: for some reason some people cannot connect to me throw hamachi (something like the yellow state), and we are under the same provider. I use hamachi because our...

Forum: Server Ad Zone! 10-22-2006, 12:19 PM
Replies: 41 [PristonTale]Serenity PT!!!
Views: 2,146 Posted By elegos
is it offline?

is it offline?

Forum: Lineage 2 (Off) 08-28-2006, 09:35 PM
Replies: 27 C4 Official Files
Views: 3,006 Posted By elegos
just try bruteforcing like me :D I've setted the...

just try bruteforcing like me :D

I've setted the bruteforcer from 3 to 15 characters, lowercase letters and numbers (0-9)... still searching by 7 hours and I'm at 4 chars now... hoping it's not just...

Forum: Lineage 2 (Off) 08-28-2006, 02:50 PM
Replies: 27 C4 Official Files
Views: 3,006 Posted By elegos
yeah, only need that little string :D...

yeah, only need that little string :D (bruteforcing...)

Forum: Priston Tale 07-10-2006, 07:49 PM
Replies: 18 Buying proper working priston tales server
Views: 581 Posted By elegos
he wants to BUY, not to SELL...

he wants to BUY, not to SELL...

Forum: Lineage 2 (L2J) 12-06-2004, 01:43 PM
Replies: 1 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Views: 100 Posted By elegos
ok fixed... I opened my startServer.bat and...

ok fixed... I opened my startServer.bat and insered these two lines (two lines total):
@java -Xms221m -Xmx221m -cp c3p0-;mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar;l2jserver.jar...

Forum: Lineage 2 (L2J) 12-05-2004, 10:26 PM
Replies: 1 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Views: 100 Posted By elegos
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

I've got a strange error...

I know it's the npc table the problem (without 2223 npcs the server runs correctly)...
I've got 512 MB ram and 4 GB of virtual one lol....

What's the problem? How can I...
