Using mySQL possible?

Skilled Illusionist
Jul 20, 2016
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Is it possible to set up databases on a mySQL connection instead of using SQL Express? When I simply tried running the queries provided with the server files, I got a large number of errors that ended up in failure. Using mySQL would make for a much more portable setup.
This game is built with Microsoft products for Microsoft products.

With the source, you can do anything you want.

However, I would not attempt it myself.
yes you have the source code so it is possible and there is ways to convert databases. me myself I would never attempt this because you would run into a stability issue.

MySQL has got horrible optimization for heavy loads. I mean yeah you can do a cluster database system but the only thing with that is you would have to have more Hardware.

mssql does really good under high loads and can use stored procedures in a way to limit resource usage.

this could be up for discussion for a community project. so if anyone else has any information that may debunk this Theory let's have a conversation let's talk.
Glad to have some insight on that. Didn't know MSSQL was actually better at cluster databases, since well.. both of 'em are SQL.
It is definitely possible, you could even avoid rewriting the source to support MySql and instead just have the data sync through MsSql to MySql during write and then reverse the sync for reading the MySql DB.

Neither method to use MySql will be a simple task to achieve but it all depends on the OS you are running your server on. MySql supports many platforms compared to MsSql which supports Linux and Windows only.

To shed some light on the differences between MySql and MsSql, below is snip of a good read from this website.

Both MySQL vs SQL Server are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major Difference Between MySQL and SQL Server:

  • MySQL is mainly used for the PHP projects or applications. SQL server is mainly used for the.Net applications or Windows projects.
  • In MySQL, there are multiple storage engines which give developers more flexibility to use the engine for the tables based on the performance. One of the popular storage engines is InnoDB. SQL server can use only one or having a single storage engine.
  • In MySQL, once the query has been executed, it cannot be canceled in mid-way. In SQL server, the query can be canceled in mid-way after the execution.
  • MySQL does not have any tool which provides security. SQL Server has a security tool which ensures the data security etc. that is MS baseline security analyzer tool.
  • MySQL is free of cost and free to use. SQL server is licensed and need to purchase licenses to use and run multiple databases. It is really costly to buy multiple licenses.
  • For MySQL, it is required to pay for getting support or assistance. SQL server has wider community support or online forums. Microsoft support is also paid for providing support to the bSQL server.
  • If MySQL used with.Net, then third party tools are required to download for getting started. If the SQL server is used with.Net, inbuilt framework classes provide the compatibility and can be started as well.
I love linux and the freedom it gives you, as well as the flexibility provided my MySQL. Concurrently, I also prefer to avoid windows, and the majority of Microsoft products wherever possible.

In the past, I used MySQL on both CentOS and way back in the day Red Hat Linux. In both cases I was using them in conjunction with a PHP website.

Long story short, in both cases I had huge database overhead that required either constant maintenance, or to automate required scripts to be written. Failure to do so resulted corruption after very short time period.

As much as I hate to say it, this game LOVES MSSQL.
MySQL eats resources like candy.

I also agree with theDomo that you would run into several stability issues, at least at first. Its not impossible, but I feel this is a much bigger project than perhaps the OP was thinking.
Yeah, my own bit of experience already taught me that this server isn't exactly made to build conglomerates on... Those summary points make it seem like while both of them use the same language, MySQL is a much more barebones version with lacking the security tool and such. Well, not to mention the wasteful resource management.

Which itself is kind of astounding, considering the RoM server uses five databases at the same time, whereas an Aion server only uses two.
the issue with this at hand is the game itself is already heavily resource-intensive. making the conversion to mySQL is possible and can work however it would create more overhead in a lot more maintenance. you have better chances of data corruption and it just not it will not be able to handle the load as properly as mssql as in high-traffic environments MySQL just can't handle it it would need way too many MySQL server is running in the cluster. to make this work you require more resources than you already do, promist ability points not a is it possible point it's not worth it. but no you're right it is completely impossible to take a lot of work but it's not worth it for the amount of extra resources that would require/

In the comparison that you're making with the two databases compared to the five. again you're talkin about retail server files that were created by the game company compared to an emulator which was created by people on this form and other sites and they also use flat file as well. you have just as many databases is just in a emulator like Aion your using flat file as well as SQL database.
Wait, so what we use here is the exact same stuff as Runewaker uses? I thought we were running with emus here ourselves, not the actual live server files. How did they even end up here to begin with?
a series of mistakes lol buy me and several other people. there's a lot of other real game server files here and Source codes, this has both emulators and server. this form is amazing and it has so much cool stuff and it's cool to watch and talk!!
No denying that. If only we could get our hands on a 64 bit client and compatible server files. That'd be the holy grail of RoM private server development.
Well, if you see how open the network of runewaker obviously is since years(!) and even the emails can be read its clear that the source code got into the net (sooner or earlier).

Dunno how it was possible that only one person has access to it, or anyone else care to hack them again...But its strange nevertheless (and good for us because we have 6.4.2 Server Code and i really appreciate this!)
Pretty sure you need to convert the database/adjust the strucutre using src, idk if its alot of work or not since i have never done it
Yeah, Domo explained it already well enough to make clear it's not worth it and that MSSQL is actually better because it doesn't use as many resources.
I don't understand the sense of this anyway since this release is running fine. And i dont think the crits have anything to do with the SQL.
The sense behind this was making a extract&play repack like my Aion server. That one has a ready to launch framework with mySQL and databases in place which only need starting up and are ready to go. That's the only thing better than a very detailed setup guide.