v111 Tera (Lidium)

No I worked with 9sin, and lolloollolol, who both are great coders but bro str8 up like 12y/o mantality. We had such a good nice working v111, and then he just said "bye" and went to v92. Deleted his github repo and everything.
I would like to see more v111-117, I do not understand adding more content from higher versions to v83. It’s an untapped potential. I just do not have the time currently to commit myself to redoing a lot in Lidium.
Well I know if 9sin kept his version it was pretty good, like I said we had around 5 people 4 java coders, and 1 client custom editor. It was in a great spot, i'd say it was at 75%? Which is really playable, the crafting and all that still had bugs. But that guy is a troll so he will keep it forever.
Well I know if 9sin kept his version it was pretty good, like I said we had around 5 people 4 java coders, and 1 client custom editor. It was in a great spot, i'd say it was at 75%? Which is really playable, the crafting and all that still had bugs. But that guy is a troll so he will keep it forever.
Unless someone probably tries to buy it from him 😂
Well I know if 9sin kept his version it was pretty good, like I said we had around 5 people 4 java coders, and 1 client custom editor. It was in a great spot, i'd say it was at 75%? Which is really playable, the crafting and all that still had bugs. But that guy is a troll so he will keep it forever.
I have that one the last one he delete from git.. but I am sure saba have better then 9sin (weirdo guy)
I have that one the last one he delete from git.. but I am sure saba have better then 9sin (weirdo guy)
Mind if you send that to me? I want to compare it and possibly make some changes to Tera, my discord is quantumsaba
I mean yeah I haven't had time to reload my VS and all that (new computer), I mostly develop in a different program that doesn't support JAVA so I can't say what is better yet. But from what I looked at it seems similar in some cases. Changes haven't been made in some areas but haven't had time to do a full diff on the two.

Also 9sin has some bad practice in his java code I am not 100% sure if he made changes, or if it was some other guy we had 4 people making changes...
Hello thank you for release this its amazing.
Can anyone help me please i was able to compile successfully but I can't run the program because of this error:
Screenshot_1 - v111 Tera (Lidium) - RaGEZONE Forums

I am using JDK 21.
Also channel.properties , db.properties worldGMS.properties where missing to i took them from here:
but still can't run please help
Hello thank you for release this its amazing.
Can anyone help me please i was able to compile successfully but I can't run the program because of this error:
View attachment 260487

I am using JDK 21.
Also channel.properties , db.properties worldGMS.properties where missing to i took them from here:
but still can't run please help
I've had that when running the server as well. Been some time, excuse me if my mind is playing tricks on me but I think is because it's missing a couple files, like some .jar files in the dist/lib folder, or some other file at some point, like db.properties, I recommend downloading the original Lidium and comparing the two. Takes a good eye and some time but I ended up being able to run and I'm by no means a coder compared to people here, I'm just a player that got things to work.

If you want to download Lidium from my folder, here you go:

Got a bunch of localhosts there I don't know where I got them from, I forgot, some of them might have like damage uncap or some other things in there, but I forgot, they're in there in case you need one. Oh and there was some sort of "nashorn" (or is it nashron?) sort of thing I've looked up when setting up the server, might be the actual cause for this issue so look it up in case nothing else works.
fixed, uploaded to MediaFire, google kept flagging it
I wish to talk with you regarding the development of the project. Willing to commission it too. Can you kindly provide me your discord handle so we can talk there about some stuff? Thanks
Thank you imma try it

EDIT: Fixed! Studied what was happening, turns out I never compiled the nashron thing so the server had no clue what to point to. Anyways, could get ingame. ;D
Hello, could you explain how did you exactly managed to run it? the console says its missing db properties as well as database.
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No I worked with 9sin, and lolloollolol, who both are great coders but bro str8 up like 12y/o mantality. We had such a good nice working v111, and then he just said "bye" and went to v92. Deleted his github repo and everything.
hello tin stepped away from the community. had a bunch of stuff come up had no time

My Disc Name - LOLOLOL hmu if needed

Updated Missing files - make sure to compile if needed


  • image_2024-08-18_194110333 - v111 Tera (Lidium) - RaGEZONE Forums
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Hello, could you explain how did you exactly managed to run it? the console says its missing db properties as well as database.
Oh hey, I'm sorry I didn't get a notification. It's been a while so I don't remember, sorry. You could try the file above, I'm going to try it and see if it works, brb! :p

Just tried, it's working fine!! First try, so I think everything has been fixed, I didn't do anything, I even deleted the old v111 database to set this one up as a fresh install. Yay for us! 😁


Wanted to write a quick tutorial for people to set this up, I just did another fresh installation of it and it has been really simple now, as simple as v83. 🥰

1. First things first, download the server and the original game's client.
2. Now extract the server files, it's gonna have a bunch of folders and 2 .rar files in there called wz.rar and src.rar, you should extract them both. For the wz file, just extract it in the root folder (the main folder that has a couple sub folders), wz is a sub folder that was lacking so you should let it stay in the same place as the others. Btw, it's gonna take a bit to extract everything, but be patient.
3. Okay, now let's set up the database, if you're using phpmyadmin (xampp/wampp) just create a new database and call it 'lidium' without the little ' things, just call it lidium, no caps. Alright, now dump the .sql file that is inside the 'aio' folder, the one named lidium.sql. To dump it into the myadmin thing, you just click on your lidium database, then go over to "Insert" option and then load the file lidium.sql then click execute. Just like that.
4. Okay, your DB should be all good to go if it shows a green screen, telling you it loaded 512 things.
5. Time to run the server, open it as an existing project in Intellij or Netbeans, then let it start indexing stuff, if you think it stopped loading, then you can move on. Stopped? Ok, now you should Build the project. Click on Build, and in Intellij since it's the first time doing this, it's gonna ask you to tell what version of Java you want to load the project as, I set it to Java 19. Clicked apply, then hit the OK button.
6. Click on Run, and it's gonna look for Start.java to start your server. If it runs, it's gonna say it's "listening" followed by your port number.
7. Neat, if you've followed this through with no issues, it means your server is working! Let us extract the Game folder, the one you're gonna use to play. Extract it, it's going to take a bit, then grab the "client" folder with a Localhost on it, move all the files it has there to the GAME's folder, replace everything it asks you to replace and then click on that localhost.exe to play the game!

Take a sneak peak at my Localhost .rar file down below, it should look the same, with all the .dll thingies in there. If yours hasn't, you can dowload this one that I'm using.

P.S: I deleted the HShield folder, it's probably needed to delete that in order to work.


  • v111 hello - v111 Tera (Lidium) - RaGEZONE Forums
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hello tin stepped away from the community. had a bunch of stuff come up had no time

My Disc Name - LOLOLOL hmu if needed

Updated Missing files - make sure to compile if needed
the sql is with full drop mobs?
the sql is with full drop mobs?
I've been playtesting the source and I think it has all the drops, yeah. Every mob is dropping their Etc items, mesos and gear. Lots of rows in the dropdata so I think it's all there.
no source is complete.. is there enough to play and enjoy yourself yes!
most fixes are easy
do you happen to know how to fix the skill mastery level being set to zero? :unsure: Swordie shares this same issue. I was playing Wild Hunter and allocating my points and all, quit the game a few times, reloaded server a couple more and all of a sudden the Crossbow Mastery skill that had 20 points on now had 0 and I couldn't level it up again. The 'Mastery Level' in the client was telling me it had a mastery level of 0, not 20 anymore. in Swordie this happened to my Mercedes, what a curious thing, both use crossbow as weapons lol.

I tried to do something. I spotted some code to fix the Magic Guard of Evan and tried copy pasting (replacing) with the Crossbow Mastery skill but no luck.

EDIT: I also read something about this happening when you Switch Jobs inside the function (changeJob), I don't know, I was using this character as a Wild Hunter the entire time and even when I got to the 4th Job, it didn't have any issues, it only started to happen the next time I tried logging in and suddenly the crossbow mastery skill was gone.

EDIT 2: Kinda found a way around it by deleting the entire row of a skill from the database. I went to the 'skill' table, looked at their 'skillIDs' to find the troubled ones and just deleted the skills that were causing the issue.

SELECT * FROM `skills` WHERE skillid = '00000000'

This SQL statment is a shortcut if it's needed to edit more than one skill, just edit the 'skillid = 000...' part to the skill you want and if you know your character ID, you're all set. I made a note about the character IDs and their skill IDs so I'm doing okay now.

I had to assign the SP into the skills again. For normal gameplay this is not the way of doing it but kinda works if you just want to play a bit for the day. I wonder if there's a way to make a NPC do all that automatically. But the root of the issue I still have no idea!


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no source is complete.. is there enough to play and enjoy yourself yes!
most fixes are easy

drops are there if its the same sql from lidium Tin updated the drops!
Oh it sad no source is complete I really thought some of them were. Do you know how to fix the cash shop maybe? the game crashes when I try to enter it