v111 Tera (Lidium)

you mean in git?
look up lidium should be by lyson github

Oh it sad no source is complete I really thought some of them were. Do you know how to fix the cash shop maybe? the game crashes when I try to enter it
send disc name can talk more there

do you happen to know how to fix the skill mastery level being set to zero? :unsure: Swordie shares this same issue. I was playing Wild Hunter and allocating my points and all, quit the game a few times, reloaded server a couple more and all of a sudden the Crossbow Mastery skill that had 20 points on now had 0 and I couldn't level it up again. The 'Mastery Level' in the client was telling me it had a mastery level of 0, not 20 anymore. in Swordie this happened to my Mercedes, what a curious thing, both use crossbow as weapons lol.

I tried to do something. I spotted some code to fix the Magic Guard of Evan and tried copy pasting (replacing) with the Crossbow Mastery skill but no luck.

EDIT: I also read something about this happening when you Switch Jobs inside the function (changeJob), I don't know, I was using this character as a Wild Hunter the entire time and even when I got to the 4th Job, it didn't have any issues, it only started to happen the next time I tried logging in and suddenly the crossbow mastery skill was gone.

EDIT 2: Kinda found a way around it by deleting the entire row of a skill from the database. I went to the 'skill' table, looked at their 'skillIDs' to find the troubled ones and just deleted the skills that were causing the issue.

SELECT * FROM `skills` WHERE skillid = '00000000'

This SQL statment is a shortcut if it's needed to edit more than one skill, just edit the 'skillid = 000...' part to the skill you want and if you know your character ID, you're all set. I made a note about the character IDs and their skill IDs so I'm doing okay now.

I had to assign the SP into the skills again. For normal gameplay this is not the way of doing it but kinda works if you just want to play a bit for the day. I wonder if there's a way to make a NPC do all that automatically. But the root of the issue I still have no idea!
thats weird never noticed that bug will look into it
Forgot to say, if anyone did a fresh install on this server, the pets aren't gonna work straight away.

You're going click on the pet and it's not going to show up, because there's a column in the SQL that is missing, 'skillID', just add it to your 'pets' table. click on the database 'lidium', then click on the 'sql' button or whatever the button is to throw code in it, then use this code:

ALTER TABLE 'pets' ADD 'skillId' int

This exact line, add the Int thing over there too. Press Execute and it should work!

I know devs could figure this out np but I'm talking to leechers/newbies like myself :p

There are more fixes to pets that can be found in another post, let me link it over:
yes i do add me on discord - send me a private message
When you receive a pet from an NPC they come dead, or their water of life has dried up.

I do not remember this happening but I made an NPC to sell pets for soever much of the currency I am using. When you buy it, I used:
cm.gainItem(5000001, 1);
Then I go to my items and I have a Brown Puppy, but it has a weird name, and it is dead.

1725831589523 - v111 Tera (Lidium) - RaGEZONE Forums
Then I go to my items and I have a Brown Puppy, but it has a weird name, and it is dead.
You could try what I've done on my last post, it fixes this weird name thing as well. 👀 if it doesn't then you might wanna check your pet ID because I remember this source has duplicated pets so like, brown puppy shows up twice in the pet list, with different IDs.
You could try what I've done on my last post, it fixes this weird name thing as well. 👀 if it doesn't then you might wanna check your pet ID because I remember this source has duplicated pets so like, brown puppy shows up twice in the pet list, with different IDs.
In the database, add the column that was missing and it should make pets work. If u need further help you can DM me
When you receive a pet from an NPC they come dead, or their water of life has dried up.

I do not remember this happening but I made an NPC to sell pets for soever much of the currency I am using. When you buy it, I used:

Then I go to my items and I have a Brown Puppy, but it has a weird name, and it is d

[td width="50px"]

[td width="50px"]


When you receive a pet from an NPC they come dead, or their water of life has dried up.

I do not remember this happening but I made an NPC to sell pets for soever much of the currency I am using. When you buy it, I used:

Then I go to my items and I have a Brown Puppy, but it has a weird name, and it is dead.

View attachment 266631
MapleCharacter.java - CTRL+F
if (item == null || item.getItemId() > 5000200 || item.getItemId() < 5000000) {

then replace that line with

if (item == null || item.getItemId() > 5003000 || item.getItemId() < 5000000) {

[td width="50px"]

[td width="50px"]


MapleCharacter.java - CTRL+F
if (item == null || item.getItemId() > 5000200 || item.getItemId() < 5000000) {

then replace that line with

if (item == null || item.getItemId() > 5003000 || item.getItemId() < 5000000) {
its still happen
For some reason I cant create a Resistance class. I get a green message saying that the class is unavailable, but all other class let me create them just fine. Weird because I tried setting an old Lidium source I had from before the original repo was deleted, and still get the same message. No error shown in the server log. Wonder if its a client problem.

On further testing it seems it also happens with the "limited time" from the banner too(Cannoneer, Mercedes and Demon Slayer). I dont remember if I had to change a date setting in the server now.
Last edited:
Is there a guide/tutorial any of y'all could point me to so I can get an idea of how to set something like this up? I want to do it only for personal use and I'm like somewhat coding savvy like I write my own python scripts to automate my work but I've never really worked with servers and databases and stuff but I can understand the theory. I just have no idea what I'm doing here haha.
Is there a guide/tutorial any of y'all could point me to so I can get an idea of how to set something like this up? I want to do it only for personal use and I'm like somewhat coding savvy like I write my own python scripts to automate my work but I've never really worked with servers and databases and stuff but I can understand the theory. I just have no idea what I'm doing here haha.
I made a guide on the 2nd page, if you'd like to try, it's pretty straight forward. If u got any questions, I'm willing to help. =)
I made a guide on the 2nd page, if you'd like to try, it's pretty straight forward. If u got any questions, I'm willing to help. =)
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for the small tutorial. I always had trouble getting this version to run, always weird errors but with your little Tutorial it worked perfect.
For some reason I cant create a Resistance class. I get a green message saying that the class is unavailable, but all other class let me create them just fine. Weird because I tried setting an old Lidium source I had from before the original repo was deleted, and still get the same message. No error shown in the server log. Wonder if its a client problem.

On further testing it seems it also happens with the "limited time" from the banner too(Cannoneer, Mercedes and Demon Slayer). I dont remember if I had to change a date setting in the server now.
there is a line in the source you have to mess with think there disabled as for the banner either get the new client released or edit the client
For some reason I cant create a Resistance class. I get a green message saying that the class is unavailable, but all other class let me create them just fine. Weird because I tried setting an old Lidium source I had from before the original repo was deleted, and still get the same message. No error shown in the server log. Wonder if its a client problem.

On further testing it seems it also happens with the "limited time" from the banner too(Cannoneer, Mercedes and Demon Slayer). I dont remember if I had to change a date setting in the server now.

This information is being sent in ACCOUNT_INFO packet.
5. Time to run the server, open it as an existing project in Intellij or Netbeans, then let it start indexing stuff, if you think it stopped loading, then you can move on. Stopped? Ok, now you should Build the project. Click on Build, and in Intellij since it's the first time doing this, it's gonna ask you to tell what version of Java you want to load the project as, I set it to Java 19. Clicked apply, then hit the OK button.
Sorry, can you explain this step because I've tried both Intellij and Netbeans and it's not working for me.
In Netbeans it complains that package io.netty.util does not exist, even though netty-all-4.1.39.Final.jar is in the lib folder and the lib folder has been added to the library in Netbeans.
In Intellij it only generates an out folder full of the source classes. Intellij did not ask what version of java it wanted me to load the project as.

I used lol*'s link here: