v120 Drops sql

So the one that was released had a bunch of duplicate lines
I fixed that and re-uploaded it

Your welcome (:

Are these accurate drops? Did you manually add them or use some sort of program to get the drops? Like, in MoopleDEV, there is a class that gets the drops from the monster book in the xmls. If so, then this is not exact drops.
Are these accurate drops? Did you manually add them or use some sort of program to get the drops? Like, in MoopleDEV, there is a class that gets the drops from the monster book in the xmls. If so, then this is not exact drops.

I think nobody have extractly drops list/rate of GMS ;\
To reply to everyone I have no idea what's included or not I took this from the one that was Already released I just fixed the duplicate line problem causing insane ammounts of drops
Probably not, because once something drops that's not actually in the WZ files, it will disconnect. However, you could add something along the lines of if (item.exists), etc.. but that would be costly.

Actually it would work because it would need to be in the .wz to drop and if it's entirely not in the .wz no img or anything of it, it doesn't exist therefore it won't drop at all. There will be no dc but this won't drop any items relevant to v111

Short answer yes it CAN be used

Long answer No it should not be used because it is from a version much higher where quite a few character revamps had so the drops won't really help you that much