v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more

Junior Spellweaver
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
ASCENT 2.2.3-2.3.0 OldSchool - Lakelog Repack

is a new repack that I have been working on. It's using the Project
Silvermoon database (rev 1778). Credits are listed below. It's easy to
use, includes MySQL so that you won't need to configure a lot of
things. Guess there's not really much more to say, just going to post a
few screenshots at the bottom. The Features list is taken from

-Dance Club (Portals to the Dance Club at every starting zone, located in Caverns of Time)
-Skypad (Located in Zangarmarsh)
-Turtle Racetrack (Located around the Dance Club, Caverns of Time)
-Dance Floor (Located at the Stormspire in Netherstorm)
-PvP Area with vendors, trainers, exp bombs, etc (Located at the Arena in Nagrand)
-Maarten's Magical Obstacle Course (Located in Tirisfal Glades)
-Obstacle Course 2: The Cauldron Run (Located in Wetlands)
-Snowball Fight Area (Located at the Ironforge Airport)
-Obstacle Course 3: The Tower
-Frozen Throne (Located at the end of Obstacle Course 3)
-The Stair of Eternity
-3 custom vendors who sell party items (party clothes, fireworks, drinks and more)
-2 special new items, [Project Silvermoon Snowball!] and [Project Silvermoon's Backpack of Endless Space]
-A lottery
-A lot of new and old vendors who sell armor and weapons at the PVP Area


inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

Turtle Race
inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

Dance Floor
inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

PvP Area
inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

Maarten's Magical Obstacle Course
inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

Obstacle Course 2
inkredibil - v2.0.10.2 TBC- DJ ExXeCuTe Tools/gatekeeper/commands and more - RaGEZONE Forums

Snowball Fight Area
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In There
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Flying Mount.
.reload3 - is the summon spell, use it to mount up, use the space key to take off.
.reload2 40 - 40 being the speed duplex, right after you mount up you will find yourself going rather slow, change the speed to whatever you wish, I would recommend you do not go past 60.
.reload 147 "displayid" - without the quotes use that command to change the model of your netherdrake, via display ids.
.reload4 - If your client crashes, but your server dosent, you will find yourself constantly stuck on your mount unable to move, this command will fix that issue.

All the current known Burning Crusade mounts.
Last number (XXXXX) is also model ID/morph ID.

================================================== ===
Blood Elf Level 40 Mounts: Hawkstrider
================================================== ===

Red Hawkstarider: .reload 147 18696
Brown Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19478
Pink Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19479
Grren Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19480

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Blood Elf Level 60 Mounts: Armored Hawkstrider
================================================== ===

Armored Red Hawkstrider: .reload 147 18697
Armored Pink Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19482
Armored White Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19483
Armored SeaBlue Hawkstrider: .reload 147 19484

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Draenei Level 40 Mounts: Elekk
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Elekk: .reload 147 17063

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Draenei Level 60 Mounts: Armored Elekk
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Armored Elekk: .reload 147 17906

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Alliance Normal Flying Mounts: Gryphon
================================================== ===

Normal Gryphon: .reload 147 17693
Black Gryphon: .reload 147 17694
White Gryphon: .reload 147 17696

================================================== ===
Alliance Epic Flying Mounts: Armored Gryphon
================================================== ===

Green Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17703
Purple Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17717
Red Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17718
Blue Armored Gryphon: .reload 147 17759

================================================== ===
Horde Normal Flying Mounts: Wyvern
================================================== ===

Normal Wyvern: .reload 147 17699
Blue Wyvern: .reload 147 17700
Purple Wyvern: .reload 147 17701

================================================== ===
Horde Epic Flying Mounts: Armored Wyvern
================================================== ===

Red Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17719
Green Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17720
Purple Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17721
Yellow Armored Wyvern: .reload 147 17722

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Boss drop: Felhorse
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Felhorse: .reload 147 19250

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Rare Flying Mount: Phoenix
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Phoenix: .reload 147 17890

================================================== ===
Rare Flying Mounts: Netherdrakes
================================================== ===

Normal Netherdrake: .reload 147 16314
Slightly Less Purple Netherdrake: .reload 147 17772
Slightly Less Purple Netherdrake: .reload 147 17888
Seablue Netherdrake: .reload 147 19891
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GM commands Reply with quote
.modify aspeed
.modify bit
.modify bwalk
.modify energy
.modify faction
.modify hp
.modify mana
.modify money
.modify rage
.modify scale
.modify speed
.modify spell
.modify swim
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also i cant play
i can start my server and connect to him but if i take the realm in the realmlist he try to loginto real and then i am not in the character menu , then i am already in realmlist
may it is because of my german client

help me
thx :)
also i cant play
i can start my server and connect to him but if i take the realm in the realmlist he try to loginto real and then i am not in the character menu , then i am already in realmlist
may it is because of my german client

help me
thx :)

you do know that the server and client isnt a real person right?
Hm...i kind of got excited when it looked like this post would finally make the whole MySQL servers easy to do...but some weird after-posts and the links have massive down-time...i've lost hope :(

Well hope you try again it worth it .Me too i hate that so slowlly conect to his web but :D.I keep it try it:D.I guess to many peoples acces that web ,or download from there .I dunno his main page host lots downloads .
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