v362 KMS Source

I can play locally using local.dll, but is there any way to connect to the specified IP, since my server is set up in the cloud?
there are lots of things need to fix:
4.the keymap somehow always return to deflaut setting

This one happening to me when I have SUMMON and login out from game.
The first line code of REMOVESUMMON function in SummonHandler will crash.
Still looking on how to fix it.
This one happening to me when I have SUMMON and login out from game.
The first line code of REMOVESUMMON function in SummonHandler will crash.
Still looking on how to fix it.
Ok,when you fix it please tell me! and by the way, my situation is just waiting a while and do nothing then it would come back to the deflaut setting ,so i dont think its related to SummonHandler.
The dist file does not exist. I need help from someone because it is difficult to organize the launch.bat file. Please show me mercy
Hi I’d love to get this going and mess around with it, would you be able to add me on discord and help me set up Explicit#4543
*用翻譯機意思可能有點怪,所以保留原文 The meaning of using a translator may be a bit strange, so keep the original text


translate:Could someone please unpack MapleStory.exe?I intend to translate, but many strings are in MapleStory.exe, and stredit cannot read them without unpacking.I have seen the teaching of dbg, but I can’t understand it. I also tried the Themida script, but I don’t know if it is too old and failed.
anyone could fix the cashshop,i've tried it didn't work
How do I level up my union?
The UNION NPC does not respond when clicked.
The boss doesn't seem to crash if he doesn't turn on the BUCKSHOT.

(한국분은 안계신가요? 유니온 엔피씨 먹통이라 유니온 등급업이랑 코인 수령도 안되고, 유니온 미구현인지는
보스는 팅기는거 !벅샷 명령어 안쓰고 하니 안팅기더라구요)
hi i want to edit dll file to redirect client ip to other ip not localhost... how i can do that
login issue, please help :)

I used both the source file and the client file and built the server, which I assume runs without any issues, and I can login to the client where it says happy server in Korean.

However, I cannot login using the account I have made through mysql. The prompt rather wants me to input actual maplestory id instead. Even if I input the actual id, the game crashes after choosing the channel.

I presume it is the client problem but I do not know why the account data made in mysql does not work on the client, nor why the client crashes when inputted the real existing account for maplestory.

Can anyone help me, please?? Thank you in advance!
How to run server :

Required : Java Development Kit 1.8(openjdk is possible)[!], MySQL 5.x[!], this server source, this client

(Search the internet for how to install mysql... sorry :(: )

* If it is difficult to open the cmd window, copy the command and save it as a bat file.

1. Unzip the files where you can see them.
2. Modifying the properties file
3. Open cmd (shift key + right mouse click -> open command prompt. If you are on Windows 10, open PowerShell instead of command prompt and type cmd) and enter dir /s /B *.java > sources.txt
4. If the sources.txt file has been created, enter the address of the bin folder in the folder containing the java development kit, javac.exe, and all of the following commands.

ex) C:\java-1.8.0-openjdk-\bin\javac.exe -classpath ".\lib\activation-1.1.jar;.\lib\commons-dbcp-1.3-SNAPSHOT-r796150-jdbc4.jar;.\lib\commons-pool-1.5.2.jar;.\lib\mail-1.4.7.jar;.\lib\mina-core-2.0.9.jar;.\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar;.\lib\netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar;.\lib\slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar;.\lib\slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar;.\lib\slf4j-jdk14-1.7.10.jar;.\lib\swing-layout-1.0.4.jar" -encoding utf-8 -d bin @sources.txt

5. If compiled, enter the command below

ex) C:\java-1.8.0-openjdk-\bin\java.exe -Xmx1024m -Dwzpath=wz\ -classpath ".\bin;.\lib\activation-1.1.jar;.\lib\commons-dbcp-1.3-SNAPSHOT-r796150-jdbc4.jar;.\lib\commons-pool-1.5.2.jar;.\lib\mail-1.4.7.jar;.\lib\mina-core-2.0.9.jar;.\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin.jar;.\lib\netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar;.\lib\slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar;.\lib\slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar;.\lib\slf4j-jdk14-1.7.10.jar;.\lib\swing-layout-1.0.4.jar;" server.Start

6. If something comes out and a window pops up, success.

(*Does not work with mysql 8.x and other than jdk 1.8)

+ Must run GameLauncher.exe, Do not run MapleStory.exe...
* And when you click character creation but there is no response: If you hover your mouse over the happy picture above and some letters appear, wait.

+ After playing, there are some bugs. Levels up fast or some features don't work.
+ Currently it does not work on jdk 64 bit. Can only run on 32 bit.
Additionally, some changes were made. :,(
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