v362 KMS Source

I translated some NPC's to make it more playable.
And also translated some commands to english.
Maple_230412_081142 - v362 KMS Source - RaGEZONE Forums


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Honestly it kinda saddens me how people still use Java and old technologies for MapleStory even though it's been over a decade with so much technology advances.

Honestly it kinda saddens me how people still use Java and old technologies for MapleStory even though it's been over a decade with so much technology advances.
I don't see using Java as a problem, maybe using odin or moople as a base, yeah that would be bad. But for example swordie does a good job of using Netty and not rmi xd
Anyone have an idea which Private Server these are from? I can't seem to find HappyMS anywhere besides an old japanese ps. I tried running this version on localhost and its actually really quite nice with if I'm not mistaken quite nice QoL built by the developers of this version. So just wanted to try their server. Though I can understand if they don't want it shared too widely considering the DMCA being thrown by nexon recently.
Also can someone share a full screenshot of the GM GUI? Mine shows boxes special characters and I'm not sure how to resolve it. Thanks!
Anyone have an idea which Private Server these are from? I can't seem to find HappyMS anywhere besides an old japanese ps. I tried running this version on localhost and its actually really quite nice with if I'm not mistaken quite nice QoL built by the developers of this version. So just wanted to try their server. Though I can understand if they don't want it shared too widely considering the DMCA being thrown by nexon recently.
Also can someone share a full screenshot of the GM GUI? Mine shows boxes special characters and I'm not sure how to resolve it. Thanks!

.setText("button name")
+1 你能分享一下你是如何做到这一点的吗?

Also could anyone point me in the direction of how I can get the Gamelauncher.exe to point to a remote server? I know theres Authook that can be recompiled, is that the same thing? Thank you!

I found a program to run this version without switching your locale on Github.

You can install it, but I prefer not to install stuff if I can help it. So I used LREditor.exe to create a shortcut that launches the game with Korean Locale and Admin privileges. Its essentially just a simple windows shortcut that looks like this so its very versatile.
C:\Locale_Remulator.1.5.2\LRProc.exe 611bc30f-e6f4-4068-aced-cef24ac51d14 C:\Happy362\Nexon\GameLauncher.exe
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for fix cash shop,you need open "recvops.properties" find CS_CHARGE =

here is the head number

CS_CHARGE = 1388
CS_UPDATE = 1389
BUY_CS_ITEM = 1390
CS_GIFT = 1393

change them,and cash shop will work.
but also it has more problem like cashop load very slow(i dont know why and how to fix it,may be some could tell me how),and src will also need to edit for some place(the whole function isnot complete)
for fix cash shop,you need open "recvops.properties" find CS_CHARGE =

here is the head number

CS_CHARGE = 1388
CS_UPDATE = 1389
BUY_CS_ITEM = 1390
CS_GIFT = 1393

change them,and cash shop will work.
but also it has more problem like cashop load very slow(i dont know why and how to fix it,may be some could tell me how),and src will also need to edit for some place(the whole function isnot complete)
Only thing when pressing CS it open the all in one NPC how to edit this.. ?
Or is a way to enter Cash shop where do I have to press?

Found the solution by pressing !캐시샵 command into the game.
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for fix cash shop,you need open "recvops.properties" find CS_CHARGE =

here is the head number

CS_CHARGE = 1388
CS_UPDATE = 1389
BUY_CS_ITEM = 1390
CS_GIFT = 1393

change them,and cash shop will work.
but also it has more problem like cashop load very slow(i dont know why and how to fix it,may be some could tell me how),and src will also need to edit for some place(the whole function isnot complete)
This is amazing! Could you share how you found the solution? I'm new to this and fiddling around with the source a little. I'd love to know what the numbers are, and like how did you figure out what to change the numbers to!
Only thing when pressing CS it open the all in one NPC how to edit this.. ?
Or is a way to enter Cash shop where do I have to press?

Found the solution by pressing !캐시샵 command into the game.
Thank you for this too!!! Did you find this in \src\client\messages\commands\PlayerCommand.java? I'm trying to find what other commands are available to players/GMs but I can't seem to make sense of that file, as in how is !캐시샵 checked for.

Thank you both! I'm quite enjoying learning while experimenting with this source!❤️
This is amazing! Could you share how you found the solution? I'm new to this and fiddling around with the source a little. I'd love to know what the numbers are, and like how did you figure out what to change the numbers to!

Thank you for this too!!! Did you find this in \src\client\messages\commands\PlayerCommand.java? I'm trying to find what other commands are available to players/GMs but I can't seem to make sense of that file, as in how is !캐시샵 checked for.

Thank you both! I'm quite enjoying learning while experimenting with this source!❤️

I found this in \src\client\messages\commands\SuperGMCommand.java.
I also translated a lot of commands I will upload it It will make it lot easier but the cashshop looks different from the pictures that 3140220413 uploaded.
Error: Could not find or load main class server.Start
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: server.Start

How do you solve it?
누군가가 문제를 일으키고 파일을 로컬에서 빠르게 테스트하려는 경우 소스 + 미리 실행된 jar가 있습니다. (컴파일할 필요가 없습니다. 파일을 편집할 계획이 있으면 netbeans/intelj를 사용해야 할 필요가 없습니다. 이 경우, 당신이 무엇을 하고 있는지 알고 있다고만 합니다.)

따라서 이것은 기본적으로 "재포장"이지만 실제로 수행하는 모든 작업은 1~2단계를 건너뛰는 것입니다.

말 그대로 데이터베이스를 설정한 다음 launch.bat를 여는 것(그리고 "database.properties"에 MySQL 사용자와 암호가 있는지 확인하십시오. database.properties를 편집해야 합니다.)
서버를 로드합니다.

물론 댓글 #12의 Local.zip이 있는 스레드에 클라이언트가 있습니다.

또한 오류로 인해 gamelauncher.exe가 열리지 않는 경우 시스템 로캘을 한국어로 설정했는지 확인하세요.

나의 한 단계는 다음과 같습니다.

컴퓨터에 한국어 지역이 있는지 확인하십시오. 그러려면 작업 표시줄의 Windows 검색 표시줄에 "언어 설정"을 입력한 다음 "언어 추가"를 클릭한 다음 "한국어" 및 "중국어" 언어를 다운로드하여 추가하십시오.

(글꼴 등 관련 체크박스를 확인하시려면 메시지가 뜨면 반드시 체크, 기본적으로 해당 언어와 관련된 모든 것을 다운로드) 오른쪽 상단의 "관리 언어 설정" 클릭 후 "시스템 로케일 변경" 클릭 그런 다음 "한국어(한국)"

그런 다음 컴퓨터를 다시 시작하십시오.

컴퓨터를 다시 시작한 후
launch.bat를 호출하여 CMD를 "입력 명령:"이라고 말할 때까지 모든 것을 완전히 로드한 다음 클라이언트 파일로 이동하여 "GameLauncher.exe"(관리자로 가까이)를 나타냅니다. -up in Korean 이 마우스 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 클릭하세요. 게임이 막아야 합니다.

컴퓨터 언어는 그대로 유지되며, 한국어 클라이언트를 여는 데 필요합니다. 그렇지 않으면 열리지 않습니다.

문제가 있을 수 있습니다. 판단합니다. 다시 열면 네. 소스와 함께 제공되는 SQL을 사용하는 경우 게임 내 및 사용자 암호는 asd1234(사용자 및 암호 및 핀 모두)입니다.

게임은 영어로 진행되고 영어 번역은 불가능합니다. 영어(또는 집 또는 다른 언어)로 재생하려면 고객의 모든 .wz 파일에서 한국어 텍스트를 수동으로 변경해야 합니다(Harepacker 사용-부활) 및 클라이언트의 .exe를 Hex Editor 프로그램을 사용하여 서버 파일의 모든 문장 /단어를 편집합니다.

경험치 배율과 스킬 마스터는 어떻게 수정하나요?
Does anyone have the mirror of this file? All anonfiles links are dead.

use this file.

unzip it and put dll file in client folder
I think I found the file. Another problem though, does anyone have an idea of why I keep on getting disconnected? I tried to look at the exceptionCaught function in MapleNettyHandler.java and this is what I get.

in exceptioncaught java.net.SocketException: Connection reset disconnected.

Is this a client or server problem? I'm using GameLauncher.exe with Locale Remulator if that makes a difference.
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Hello, it looks like an awesome finding! how playable is this? does it has lightbulb quests, like storylines implemented?
These are the only files that let the client actually start up for me, I can compile them and they still work. The git files don't work, they crash at login with a login packet being printed. The OG files uploaded here don't work either.

This has been a wildly weird adventure, but the server is crazily barebones. Not a lot of anything added, but it's fun to just kill random stuff in.
Just got it setup and played for a bit. It's a nice source, great even, I think a lot of stuff works in this source. Tested link skills, cubing, star forcing, went bossing, everything was fine. Skills I'm assuming are working properly, 5th job is partially working too, some of the skills I felt while playing had no effect. Hyper skills and hyper stats seems alright. Abilities (like, those you roll with honor exp) seems to be working.

Not sure what isn't working because formulas are working ok and applying changes when u do things ingame but for everyone that's curious it's a high rate server so yea, no storylines or npc chats, pure grinding and custom stuff all the way. Bosses are working fine from what I could tell so this is great for people who enjoy high rate servers. Using the Legion panel DCs though.

There are tons of minor bugs that are odd but haven't really found any heavy ones that can DC you or make you get stuck somewhere besides opening the legion panel and other things I haven't touched like familiars or the expedition system. For devs, you can enjoy some free modern maple opcodes and boss-related content, as I'm not a dev, this is not for me atm.