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vB is not a language...

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Since you (gohan) insist on continuing the whole misunderstanding Im starting another thread so we wont have to flood a thread and going offtopic in that thread..

vB is not a scripting or programming language but is a board programmed in PHP as you put it. In PHP its very much possible to make it execute a script/program or whatever... if you then take a simple proxy scanner (there are freewares of such programs on the net) then you make it so that if the proxyscanner detects a proxy it stops executing the rest of the phpfile.. thus you have banned most ppl using proxies from the board.. Its still possible to use proxies which requires login and such but there are programs to detect those too though no freeware that Im aware of.. Prob is out there though..

Now youve banned just about everyone using proxies from the board.. yes there are ways to not be detected by such programs but flamers will usually not bother since it requires more work than its worth..
shut up yourself... Im trying to help a board get better (which the mods seem to be against and the admin dont even seem to care) :/

Damn I hate fucked up boards...
Ether_Man said:
shut up yourself... Im trying to help a board get better (which the mods seem to be against and the admin dont even seem to care) :/

Damn I hate fucked up boards...
sez the new guy.

BTW thx MentaL 4 the account back
Like Cap said, vB is vBulletin, simple, VB is VisualBasic.

If you don't like it... then there is nothing you or i could do about it.

And you are talking about making scripts that work together with vB, like i said, good luck writing it.
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