Version 2331 Server

Jul 21, 2006
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ive searched for this and cant find anything, can someone post on here, 2331 server files, 2331 client.exe, and 2331 server.exe.
2331? Thats a pretty old client, EPT like, don't think any server runs that anymore lol. Any links for those clients would be way way back, in the 50+ pages.
yea, ive searched, anyways, i had a good 1855 server running, but i said screw it, all i want now, is like a ept server, where i can edit monsters exp and everything, where i dont have to download anything but a client and registry to play, know any files that i can use?
I haven't had a 3096 client in months,but maybe someone else does. The JPT server files are all sticked in this section (JPT, DPT, WhateverPT)
im using a different gameserver atm, working good so far
you know why my pike looks like hes using a bow, and why i dc when i use wyvern armor = /