• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Version .3 here. L2J 

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Infinity/Divinity Dev
Jun 7, 2004
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Don't forget to go to there site and say thanks to dev team on there hard work.
04.jul.2004 - changes since version 0.1
gameserver: töller täxt oder waß
added logging code. you can define loglevels for console output and file log.
all-chat is now only local, shout-chat and trade-chat is global.
tell to online players is possible, using " like on the official servers.
npc bug that froze your movement is fixed.
network packets are buffered to be sent in one tcp-packet.
password are not stored on the server any more, only the hash is stored.
partymatching is implemented to provide a nice "who" function... however the client limits the number of displayed players to 40 .
party system is started... it doesnt work 100% yet.
trader npcs now get targetted before interaction (like it should be).
exp and sp is awarded when monsters are killed. system is not complete yet.
skilltrees for all classes are used, but most are still empty (feel free to provide updated files).
router support, you can define local and external IP of server.
configurable user limit is enforced.
mobs can drop adena randomly.
adena pickup bug is fixed. now all adena is summed as it should be.

updateIni is now compatible with US version of client.

access levels are now stored for all logins. this allows to restrict GM functions.
first draft of the new admin interface contributed by BlurCode.

npcs now can have html pages assigned to them (NightMarez)
admin interfaced extended (BlurCode)
pAtk calculation added (MetalRabbit)<7li>
teleporter npc implemented (NightMarez and NuocNam)

Guard npc implemented (NuocNam)
workaround to allow connections to in parallel to external ip, for bad routers (whatev)
packet improvement for buying items (whatev)

monster hp, lvl working as regular servers. (NightMarez)
monster gives exp, spellpower as regular servers. (NightMarez)
monster dmg working + random damage (random dmg = 0 to lvl of monster). (NightMarez)
monster can now drop 1 item at low rate (any item taken randomly from all item files together) (NightMarez)
monsters adena drop have been correctet to better math. (NightMarez)
If attacked, monsters now stop moving away. (L2Chef)
npc2.cvs added. it contains additional monsters stats. (L2Chef)
non-items cannot be picked up any more. this was causing crashes. (L2Chef)
guards attack PKs and defend themselves. (NuocNam)
guards return to their initial position after they killed PKs. (NuocNam)

monster disappear bug should be fixed (L2Chef)
social actions are broadcasted now (L2Chef)
item pickups are broadcasted now (L2Chef)
multiple attacks on same mob is not possible any more (L2Chef)
warehouses added (NuocNam)
chars are now stored in accounts folder (L2Chef)

html document that came with the server
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savage u missed some changes.

- edited admin html pages - looks nicer (Leon)
- added better explanaition for server.cfg (Leon)
- more admin commands (blurcode)

- New Exp, Sp income formula, based on real servers formula (NightMarez)
- Hp gain at lvl up, Mp gain at lvl up, based on class (most are correct, only starter classes) (NightMarez)
- AdminCommands refactored, button graphics added, spawns work correct now (L2Chef)
- item drop rate decreased (L2Chef)
- rubberband effect when attacking fixed (L2Chef)
- player position is now correct when revived (L2Chef)

- learning skills reduces SP, and you cannot learn if you dont have enough. (Nuoc-Nam)
- equip/unequip of items can be seen by other players (L2Chef)
- mob spawn pages added to admin interface (Deth)
- npc2.csv updated with more up to date values (Deth)
- item creation added to admin interface (Wookie/Tridus)
- account manager added (NuocNam)

- weight load is now updated when destroying items, storing in warehous (NuocNam)
- major change in movement code. this fixes a bug in the movement with offset which is needed for attacking (L2Chef)
- ranged attackers are not warped to the target any more (L2Chef)
- all timers are now crash safe (L2Chef)
- forced attacks are now possible... try it on a guard :) (L2Chef)

- soulshots can be used (MetalRabbit/L2Chef)
- aggressive mobs attack players if they are near (FTPW)
- party stuff is working 100% (whatev/L2Chef)
- npc2.csv nearly complete (Deth)
- PvP is now possible (L2Chef)
- attacking mobs change to running speed (L2Chef/FTPW)
- player corpses dont decay when dead (L2Chef)
- mob follow code corrected, might cause a lot of CPU load (L2Chef)
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