savage u missed some changes.
- edited admin html pages - looks nicer (Leon)
- added better explanaition for server.cfg (Leon)
- more admin commands (blurcode)
- New Exp, Sp income formula, based on real servers formula (NightMarez)
- Hp gain at lvl up, Mp gain at lvl up, based on class (most are correct, only starter classes) (NightMarez)
- AdminCommands refactored, button graphics added, spawns work correct now (L2Chef)
- item drop rate decreased (L2Chef)
- rubberband effect when attacking fixed (L2Chef)
- player position is now correct when revived (L2Chef)
- learning skills reduces SP, and you cannot learn if you dont have enough. (Nuoc-Nam)
- equip/unequip of items can be seen by other players (L2Chef)
- mob spawn pages added to admin interface (Deth)
- npc2.csv updated with more up to date values (Deth)
- item creation added to admin interface (Wookie/Tridus)
- account manager added (NuocNam)
- weight load is now updated when destroying items, storing in warehous (NuocNam)
- major change in movement code. this fixes a bug in the movement with offset which is needed for attacking (L2Chef)
- ranged attackers are not warped to the target any more (L2Chef)
- all timers are now crash safe (L2Chef)
- forced attacks are now possible... try it on a guard

- soulshots can be used (MetalRabbit/L2Chef)
- aggressive mobs attack players if they are near (FTPW)
- party stuff is working 100% (whatev/L2Chef)
- npc2.csv nearly complete (Deth)
- PvP is now possible (L2Chef)
- attacking mobs change to running speed (L2Chef/FTPW)
- player corpses dont decay when dead (L2Chef)
- mob follow code corrected, might cause a lot of CPU load (L2Chef)