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Very easy Cabal Server guide!!

Experienced Elementalist
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
You thought I was gonna show you how to make a Cabal server, eh? Well.. I have seen millions of posts that sound like:"Someone show me how to make a cabal server easy, pl0x!" "How I make a cabal server?" Etc etc.

Now, also in those posts, I saw Cypher, and Chumpy saying something like:"There are already alot of guides on it" Etc etc..

The point is: There IS no easy way of making a Cabal Server, there is ONLY one way. Cypher and the others get so annoyed and pissed off when you ask such stupid questions. There are sticky's, threads, videos, and alot more that shows you exacly how to do it. Then you might think:"But Its so hard, and I cant do it."
rememeber, you are on Ragezone, where people help each other. I hope you read this carefully, because if you do, there will be less chances to get infracted. The Mod's in this section is very kind, and yes, I admit it, Even I posted something like what the examples say. And I got the answer you will prolly get:"There is no easy way! Try to do it, or stop dreaming about it, it wont make you get further"

If there was an easier way, it would have been posted, you should know that. Also, before you ask questions, be sure to check the forums. Offcourse, you wont be able to find what you need sometimes, even though it have been posted. It can be hard to find, and in that case, it is okay to ask, i you just had a good search.

Now, I dont hope I will get infracted for actually kinda making the mod's job alittle easier, because, THAT, would be unfair :(

So please, read it all, and if you must, read it twice, because the mods are tired of answering the same questions again and again!....

Thank you...

- Jeffijoe :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1:
The Cat in the Hat
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
I should have watched my mouth and not said/talked poop to DeadlyData telling him things like your are not welcome here because then I become the one who is truly not welcome here.
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Thats so right Cypher. You have also been after me, but I thank you for it. You helped me realize, that if you just believe in it, you will achieve it. Thank you.
The Dinosaur
Loyal Member
Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
If there was an easier way, it would have been posted

I couldn't say it better myself.

I am working every day on making it as easy as possible, just compare my server files to the originals posted by darkxl some months ago to see how much simpler we have things now. Cabal isn't an easy game to host though as you need to know mssql and linux reasonably well and if you have a single server setup you have vmware to worry about too. It isn't impossible to do but it does require a little learning.

Still, dordort's vm release helps and i still have a few tricks yet :thumbup:
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Still, dordort's vm release helps and i still have a few tricks yet :thumbup:

Nuff said, it was the only reason I have my server today. .

Hehe, we all cant wait to see your tricks chummiezz ^^

*offtopic* Hey Chumpy, on MSN you said you were known for not having an image in your sig!
Hah, the oposite have been proved :D
The Dinosaur
Loyal Member
Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
It is the first time i have had an image in my sig other than the userbar i made for my mmclient back in the RO days. There is a reason why i have adopted the image though which will become clear soon (unless you can guess already).
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hehe, because your projects are called The Divinity Project, right? xD
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hmm.. You are always so full of mysteries, Mr.MutantBrain xD

haha, I cant forget this:

ChumpyWumpy said:
I am an evil genius, using my Mutant Brain to create evil stuff

Or something like that xD
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
So true. And then some ***** come and ruin it by asking "Where can I find a guide on how to set up a server? Or "Pl0x give me an EASY guide" But Easy guides dont exist. I am not saying it is about imposible to make a server, its not. Its just harder than other servers. Respect for Cabal and Chumpy! :D Yeah, and Cypher :D

Bumbieezz!! w00t!
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