(Very) Simple DN Admin Web

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 1, 2024
Reaction score
Hi all, I want to share a very simple web-based tool that I use to do basic task for login, register, Item Listing, update cash, and update account level. I don't host the tool and use this for my local server (LAN).

*update cash and update account level require AccountLevelCode > 99

I'm using PHP for the web (i know i know :cautious:) and it is just raw form and html without any css styling.
DN resource by fox345 from this thread https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/dragon-nest-releases-556-99-level.1219749/ ,
Also, we need the translated uistring.xml file, I got the uistring from the same thread https://forum.ragezone.com/threads/dragon-nest-releases-556-99-level.1219749/post-9252851 by Darkchrono

I have included the uistring.xml in the package, you can replace it with your own uistring.xml
You need at least setup Dragon Nest DB to use this script. and have a user that already have access to the DB

If you have any feature request, let me know.

the tutorial is for Windows OS

1. Download and Setup XAMPP
Download and Install XAMPP from XAMPP official website
The script only requires apache you can uncheck everything except apache.

you can start the apache service.

2. Download SQL Driver for PHP
Get the SQL Driver for PHP from Microsoft SQLSRV GitHub Releases page.

download correct version of the driver for the PHP version, it will not work if you use unsupported version.
you can make a script to know which PHP version that currently running, so you can get the correct version.

create info.php file under (if you install by default c:\xampp\htdocs\)

and put this code

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

access localhost/info.php on your browser, you should be able to see which php version is running

1718529753570 - (Very) Simple DN Admin Web - RaGEZONE Forums

The driver from the release page should be an archive file, you can extract the content to c:\xampp\php\ext
and modify the php.ini (inside the xampp\php folder)

and add this under Dynamic Extension
*replace 74 with version you have downloaded
1718530133443 - (Very) Simple DN Admin Web - RaGEZONE Forums

*start/restart the apache from xampp control panel.

3. Extract the script to htdocs
Here is the script,
Virus total:

Extract the script to c:\xampp\htdocs\
I recommend to extract the folder under htdocs so it will looks like c:\xampp\htdocs\DN

4. Modify the script
I included default DB hostname, username, and password in the script, you can go through the script and change it with you credentials.

oh here is the DB backup for itemtable:
or you can make your own itemtable with DN2Table

It is done,
so far you can access this page

localhost/DN/register.html - basic user will only able to list item and in game login

here is the preview when i search for "wing" on item.php
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if there is any tutorial to use available Stored Procedure and feasible to convert it to web base let me know ;) or any feature that need to modify dnt file, just tell me what need to be modified,
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oh ok letme fix it

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Hi, thank you for this simple web. item table handy for newbies like me. especially for item ID. but login and register not working. the register shows successful results. but not inserted into DB. and the login query does not work for me, already using an existing user but still have the wrong password. can you point me out where to fix it?

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nvm somehow strtoupper not working. made some changes. it is working now. thanks again
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Hi hi, thanks syarifmaula, I just want to point up that I use strtolower/strtoupper to work with the password encryption. the function itself is supported on PHP 4,5,7,8. Anyone using version below that might need to adjust the code.

also, I'm not familiar with another version of DB except the one I mention on the post. If the register/login function is not working, there is possibility that the stored procedure is different from the one I use. so, if anyone face this issue can check the stored procedure parameter for registering account and adjust the code.