[VID] Amazing Wonders of Nature

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Loyal Member
Apr 30, 2005
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Kah Nah Dah
Wonders Of The Nature Video

Truly amazing video, surprised me a lot...
How weird that a predator changed so quickly into something so caring...
Don't want to ruin the video for you, but watch and see.
Awesome. I remember that mini-series from National Geographic, but does anyone know the name of the series? This has made me want to watch more of it. I wonder what happened to the baby baboon; it probably would have died if it tried living with the leopard or on its own.
For anyone who moved this, there is a reason i posted it in the outerworld, it isnt meant for entertainment, its meant for learning.
That is some rare footage. Great find. Almost makes me want to kill somethings mother and care for its young ones =p.