VM Redmoon Server Started

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
I just got back into building a Redmoon server from the ground. Was digging in some old files and found all my left over server files and clients for RedMoon. Just Installed the server on a win7 pro 64bit virtual machine, server is running but only through wow64 odcb32 not directly through odcb(64bit), which is ALL GOOD!

Gonna build from the ground up but i have stuff that i worked on in the past (rewrote all items etc etc)

I dont even know if this forum is still a thing.

You can mostly ignore my old post pre this date as they are all outdated.
I now run win10 pro and not win7 32 bit.

I am just curious if there is any people around still? I could maybe help or send a basic 3.8 server + client + some tools to those who would wanna mess around too.

Hi. I'm interested in client modifications. I've studied data files as a hobby or created operator tools. I tried to add data and images of new items, but they failed and are staying.


I wonder how to access the ico00000x.rle image using the data in the ico.lst file.

Take Protection as an example, (ico.lst)

[name] : it_x_089_i / [ID] : 1381 / [File] : 13 / [Index] : 81

unnamed - VM Redmoon Server Started - RaGEZONE Forums

-> icon00013_81.bmp (ico00013.rle)

I thought about the name form by myself, but it doesn't seem right.

name form : it_[Kind]_[Index]_[Type] / ex: it_x_089_i

0. it = item

1. Kind
ㄴ a [3]
ㄴ d [2]
ㄴ f [4]
ㄴ s [5]
ㄴ x [6]
ㄴ w [1]

2. Index : ?

3. Type
ㄴ s : shadow
ㄴ b : bottom
ㄴ i : inventory

I wonder how the above data is linked to the value of Protection in Item06.rmi.
I haven't converted the *.rmd file yet, is it related to this?

If anyone knows the above concept, please help me. 🥲
hi am here do u think u can send me the server files for 3.8 and instructions to set it up plz and ty