
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
hey all, im trying to run a server online, and my WAN connection works fine now, ppl can connect and my server tweaked and ready for community play, but i need to know how to get my website to display on the internet, i have opened ports 4200, 8085, 3306, 3443, 3724, all them sorta ones on my router, but im using Easy php and my website connects on my pc, but nobody elses, can someone please help?, if help then i will see u on my server wen it gets up, giving away free GM status for the first 2 weeks

still nothing, head to , u'l see thers nothin there, i forwarded all ports, and i have a static IP, my game will accept clients, and ppl have played on my server, but no reg page online as of yet

if u have solution PM me or IM me at [email protected], or just reply here! PLEASE

Couple of questions:

1. Do you have any blocking (firewall) applications running on the server? I can resolve your IP, but ping is blocked and you webserver port might be as well.

2. What port are you running the webserver on? If using a port other than 80, clients may need to specify the port number (eg: ). Some routers allow forwarding external port 80 to different internal ports like 8080, removing the need for this.

P.S. You can do some limited port testing with telnet (which may help).

Start up your game server, open a command prompt, and then type "telnet blizzcraft.servegame.org 3724" then enter (if the setup is working, the prompt window should go blank. Close the prompt window. Next, try the same thing, except replace the 3724 with the port number of your webserver. If the setup is incorrect, you will get a "Could not open connection..." error.
hey, i am running on port 80 as far as i know, and i have forwarded all the other ports possible to my pc

i turned off my firewall (Zonealarm) and then tried ur telnet thing, but it couldnt connect to the host on port 3724, but it did on 80

any advice?
ZoneAlarm can leave a lot of modifications in the Windows Socket layer, that can continue to cause blocking issues even when the application is disabled or even removed. You might want to try adding a rule into ZoneAlarm to allow all port 80 traffic to pass, or configure it to allow everything (and secure things down after your webserver is working). Refer to for more info.

Worst case you may need to uninstall ZoneAlarm (use "C:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Zone Alarm\zauninst.exe"/clean), then test. If necessary, backup your registry and use a winsock repair utility like:
