Want to dupe? Read this~

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
My name is Ryan and I'm the main duper on RMC. Duping is quite simple. All you need is the program. I uploaded it to a file hosting site, heres the link Read the instructions and you'll be duping in no time. If you have any questions or prefer me to send you the program then feel free to messege me, my aim is Stttoner420
SlaserX is right, this program no longer works on RMC. It does however work on some other servers and this program will be updated soon to work on RMC. If you'd like this program just messege me on aim at Stttoner420
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One of the main reasons I dont care to make any items rare or hard to come by. All the more reason for people to find ways to create them instead of easily being able to aquire them. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate the classic environment RMC provides, just that it's pointless to make anything valuable because it only gives people incentive to find other ways to come by good gear.
Are there any ways to dupe on RMC? I managed to dupe a few quickynes last night, only 6. But it as mad complicated.