Want to make server =)

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hello first of all
My name is Roy
And i am from the netherlands , 18 years old
and i would like to create a wow server

first of all can one of you guys link me a guide how to setup a 1.12.1 ONLINE SERVER

i am using atm ManGOS-Platinum ( verry easy to setup ) but its a offline server and have no idea how to bring it online

second question
about how much people can come on my server?

i have a

P4 HT 3,00 ghz ( dual )
1gig ram pc3200
E-geforce 7950GT 512 mb ddr 3
ADSL box says 10 mbit speed
if you can help out would be really really great !

thanks in advance

PS: sorry for my bad english

and what would be better? and easyier to setup online WoW emu , Mangos or Kabold?
Ok sorry for another reply

i saw the guide's on the forum sorry about that

but i am a tottaly idiot with sql i dont understand anything about it

my old server that i can play offline has sql to

but have no idea how to bring it online :P?

If i upload that setup from it can you tell me how to get it online?

Its standaard on ip and someting with www and localhost/a

maybe that helps you out:P

sorry i just dont have a clue and my english not so good
u need create DNS , u can use , then u must download SQLyog
open with it REALMD database and change IP to your DNS in REALMLIST table,save and be happy.For more (USE SEARCH)
well i checked almost whole forum lol

i can't find a guide how to install mango's and make it online

my brains !!! zomg =(
well i think i gife up ... searched now whole day maybe i am just a idiot lol ^^

I can't find any perfect guide's how to install evryting corectly+putting it online


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