ways to get fix invalid armadillo key Mir3 

Newbie Spellweaver
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
hi can some one tell me how to get armadillo to accept the key please
ive had the server running fine sor 2-3 days but then it just stops and refuses to load the server yet ive done nothing to the server files or the OS it just stoped

im running the mir 3g 3.55 files
Armadillo makes up a number from all the hardware in your machine, once a valid register key is Inserted, it gets written to the Registry and the program runs as it should. If some of the hardware changes (such as replacing a hard drive for example) the Key is no longer Valid and thus prompts you for another one. If you had bought a program using this method on-line lets say (many use it) - you would send the request the the original Author to get a new key.

I would suggest finding a Armadillo Key remover (no idea of the name) and starting again.