We Can Change Reality

I wish
Nov 15, 2005
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We Can Change Reality
By Ted Twietmeyer

We live in a world that makes one feel powerless just by reading, seeing or hearing the news. Yet there exists a free defense that transcends government weaponry and requires only effort to use. It is that of the human mind. A recent internet film has focused on the power of attraction to create wealth. Contrary what many think, wealth isn't our most important issue. Freedom is of the highest importance when the entire world is at stake. When freedom is taken away, so it will be with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom is the essence of all that we are, and the basic source of happiness. Anyone doubting freedom as a top priority should look at the history of the people of the old Soviet Union, eastern block countries and East Germany. They were born, lived and died in an oppressive, paranoid existence that's hard to grasp. Yet today, there exists a group of self-appointed world dictators that want to re-create that old style tyranny on a permanent basis for the entire planet. As many have already described it - a prison planet without bars. We don't have to accept that destiny, for the mind is a force on earth that when properly directed is greater than all the dictators combined.

Please understand that this essay isn't about the power of positive thinking, even though it is somewhat related. The difference here is that the power of positive thinking is often just a surface feeling and attitude, while covering up an internal sense of hopelessness deep in the soul. [1] Several experiments have proven that we can change reality, and later I'll give you one you can try yourself.

In one experiment a few years ago, a group of people gathered together in Washington, DC to lower crime through a concentrated mental effort. A reduction of crime by 25% was expected from prior experiments. This experiment was later found to have worked as predicted according to FBI crime statistics. [1]

WE ARE MOSTLY WATER Other well known experiments tested the influence of directed thoughts on the structure of water. We are 80% water. Visible, measurable changes in water take place when the structure is changed by concentrated thought. If you microwave water, let it cool and water plants with it, they will wither and die. Seeds will barely grow or not at all. [2] This simple test shows that water can be changed and it's life giving properties destroyed. It also stands to reason that consuming microwaved food or water cannot be good healthy. We are not only what we eat but clearly we are what we drink, too.

Below are images taken from dark field microscopy tests. This is a special type of microscope. Pure water was exposed to specific thoughts. This produced incredible variations in new crystalline structures. It clearly stands to reason that we can fight disease by moving past the simple concept of positive thinking and taking it even deeper. When our outlook on reality completely changes, it will restructure us down into the very depths of our being at the quantum level.

NoOxygen - We Can Change Reality - RaGEZONE Forums
Pure water

NoOxygen - We Can Change Reality - RaGEZONE Forums
Water after

NoOxygen - We Can Change Reality - RaGEZONE Forums
Water with "thankyou"
label in

NoOxygen - We Can Change Reality - RaGEZONE Forums
Water with a "Hitler" label
in Japanese


Is water here responding like it is intelligent? Perhaps not. But Dr. Masaru Emoto's work shown above clearly proves that thought can physically change water. It may not be the actual labels on the water that cause these crystals, but the thoughts exhibited by Dr. Emoto as he labeled the water and thought about the labels. The "Water after prayer" image shown above appears to indicate this. What has not been widely tested (with one exception) is the effect of great distance to limit telekinesis. [3]

One telepathy experiment was conducted between astronaut Edgar Mitchell and a researcher on earth during Apollo 14. Using standard Zener ESP test cards, Mitchell attempted to send images to receiver people on earth 150,000 miles away. This distance is close to the center point in the journey between the Earth and Moon. However, Mitchell's workload caused the experiment to take place about an hour late, which affected results. Some interesting results were obtained, but were not considered conclusive. [4]

OUR REALITY We are all connected together in an invisible neural network through our thoughts, for better or worse. [1] Again, it is us who can change what we perceive as reality. Our bodies are so incredibly complex they are like micro-universes. Cells are based on receptors for neuro-peptide chemicals that represent every emotional state we can experience. There are countless receptor sites on each cell at the molecular level for these chemicals. Much like the way a plug for an electric dryer or electric stove is completely different than that of a standard wall AC outlet, certain receptor sites (outlets) on cells only accept certain neuro-peptide chemicals (plugs.) Neuro-peptides can start a chain reaction among cells until a need is fulfilled. This can be triggered by binge eating, alcohol consumption or other forms of stimulation. If a need is triggered by a neuro-peptide chemical but you can't control it, by definition it becomes an addiction. Heroine works just like any neuro-peptide. [1]

What numerous experiments have proven is that we can mentally affect changes in reality at the quantum level. These changes will manifest themselves at the visible, physical level we see as reality.

Contrary to common belief, we have the freedom of choice to change our own reality. Few people will believe this and cling to the old idea that "we must accept our lot in life." Yet history is full of many people who have risen up what from what many would call "the gutter" to become leaders! How did they do this? By changing their reality by determining their goals in life. If these people did not change their reality, they would have been born, lived and died with their existence completely unknown to others except family and friends. They made the choice to change, and refused to accept their reality by creating a new one.

The only obstacle most people have once they understand this fact, is finding motivation. Apollo 13 faced a sudden terrible reality of being in deep space and running out of oxygen and facing certain death. Engineers on the ground knew the complete content of objects in the spacecraft and Lunar Lander. Using that list, mission control gave the astronauts instructions on how to adapt a CO2 scrubber from the Lunar Lander. This would not normally fit the command module system. This saved their lives.

The engineers refused to accept death as a reality and came up with the solution. Saving the three men's lives required far more thought and brainpower than the non-physical mental process of changing our reality we can implement today. Change doesn't happen overnight and will be gradual. Like a large flywheel, it takes effort to get our change moving but it can be done.

Our thoughts can do many things to us, including making diseases become better or worse. It is a well known fact that we can directly affect our immune systems as a result of negative thoughts. Yet we can change that. A Google search on this will produce more than 4 million results. Thought control of ourselves is a very real fact, and it may hold the key to fighting and reversing auto-immune disorders without drugs. Cancer is considered an immunity system problem, because the body cannot recognize it's presence. Everyone has cancer (mutated cells) in their systems. The body also normally works around the clock to remove. Those who develop the disease have an immune system that no longer functions correctly to perform this function. Why can't we learn to use just a small part of that idle 90% of our brains to mobilize the immune system to destroy cancer and other diseases?

Trying to rationalize and understand everything can be an obstacle to change, especially when these changes must take place at the quantum level of thought power. We must focus on WHAT we want, not how it will happen. The "how" part will take care of itself. Everyone has a bio-field of energy surrounding them which can be changed for the better with a little effort each day. [1] It requires us to let go of the old idea, "I can't see it so therefore it isn't real." Remember the water experiment? We can physically see the changes on pure water simply from thought. There is an experiment few know about which has been online for about 10 years. At a university in Switzerland there is a radioactive source mounted near a Geiger counter. This experiment allows anyone, anywhere using a computer with JAVA enabled to see in real-time their influence on the radioactive source which creates the random numbers. There are three different ESP experiments which anyone online can participate in. This author first tried this experiment (the bell curve) online in the early 1990's. Although I'm about 10,000 miles from the actual experiment, I can mentally move the red line horizontally on the bell-curve beyond the odds of probability. Most likely you can move the line, too. You concentrate on "right" or "left" and it will move in that direction. But please don't go try this now - this is quite addictive and you won't finish reading!

NoOxygen - We Can Change Reality - RaGEZONE Forums

Still image taken from Fourmilab experiment you can do. Concentration moves the wandering red line left or right after the JAVA experiment loads (not this image.)


By now you should be thinking about the possible ways we can affect reality - the very one which we thought must be accepted without question. This is powerful information to consider and implementing it won't be easy at first. As stated earlier, our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is at stake and there is nothing whatsoever to lose and everything to gain. Will we be one of those who lie back and just accept their "lot in life" - or actively work to improve it? Changing our reality isn't about becoming rich or famous even though it certainly is a possible side-effect. What thousands of famous people have proven for us is that anyone can make a difference in their life and the lives of millions of other people.

Today, we must use our minds to save the earth from a tyranny worse than anything we can imagine. And there is little time left.

See [5] below for all the details on using your telepathy to physically change the radioactive decay rate in Switzerland and see your results. After you try the bell-curve experiment, ponder the potential you have inside and what can be accomplished to make our lives better and to fight tyranny.

Ted Twietmeyer
Data4Science.net - www.data4science.net

[1] - Extracted from comments from physicians and scientists in the film "What the Bleep Do We Know?" (2004)
[2] - Microwaved Water - See What It Does To Plants
[3] - ss2 / Dr. Masaru Emoto
[4] - ESP
[5] - RetroPsychoKinesis Bell Curve Experiment

There are so many things wrong with that i dont know where to start.

For one you cant change water by thinking it, its just not possible. Atoms dont change because we want them to, they change because of physics (wether we know about that part of physics or not, its still physics)

ESP is a load of crap, its chance. As much as i would like to beleive we are all inter connected, i really dont think we are. If we were all alittle bit psycic surely evolution would of made us strengthen that part of us instead of making us learn how to speak?...

Numerous experiement at quantum level has proven it? Last time i checked we were still learning about quantum physics. This guy seems to make stuff up and state it as fact...

Yes people make there own future, ofcourse they do. Its called free will, not some sort of mythical changing matter to suit our purpose. If it were really possible wouldnt someone be changing rocks into gold? No because its not possible.

How can (brilliant) engineers redesigning things out of other parts possibly support this arguement? They making one thing out of other things, not making a part out of thin air.

There is a good chance our mind can effect diseases in our body, if you give up on yourself theres a good chance your going to die. But curing yourself from stuff? no, that would be the medicine getting pumped into your body.

Quantum level of thought power, nice using some made up bullshit stated earlier to enforce your arguement again...

That bell curve thing in brilliant... tell it you are trying to get it to go in the green, and then try making it go in the red. Notice how it goes no where near the red? Because its entirely bullshit and the programmer made it to do that. I wouldnt be suprised if half the people in coders paridise that know java could make the same thing...

I call shenanigans...
If you microwave water, let it cool and water plants with it, they will wither and die. Seeds will barely grow or not at all.
Haha o wow. And they provide *one* reference, to a badly done "sience [sic] fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006".
[2] This simple test shows that water can be changed and it's life giving properties destroyed. It also stands to reason that consuming microwaved food or water cannot be good healthy [sic]. We are not only what we eat but clearly we are what we drink, too.
Pure water was exposed to specific thoughts. This produced incredible variations in new crystalline structures.
... the formation of crystals is based on random hydrogen bonding, and symmetry is produced by the nature of these bonds. The entire structure is based on the initial "seed", which, as stated earlier, is produced via random hydrogen bonding.
... Emoto's ...
I have the feeling this is actually a satire now.
OUR REALITY We are all connected together in an invisible neural network through our thoughts, for better or worse. [1] Again, it is us who can change what we perceive as reality. Our bodies are so incredibly complex they are like micro-universes. Cells are based on receptors for neuro-peptide chemicals that represent every emotional state we can experience. There are countless receptor sites on each cell at the molecular level for these chemicals. Much like the way a plug for an electric dryer or electric stove is completely different than that of a standard wall AC outlet, certain receptor sites (outlets) on cells only accept certain neuro-peptide chemicals (plugs.) Neuro-peptides can start a chain reaction among cells until a need is fulfilled. This can be triggered by binge eating, alcohol consumption or other forms of stimulation. If a need is triggered by a neuro-peptide chemical but you can't control it, by definition it becomes an addiction. Heroine works just like any neuro-peptide. [1]
Typical pseudoscientific writing.
Contrary to common belief, we have the freedom of choice to change our own reality. Few people will believe this and cling to the old idea that "we must accept our lot in life." Yet history is full of many people who have risen up what from what many would call "the gutter" to become leaders! How did they do this? By changing their reality by determining their goals in life. If these people did not change their reality, they would have been born, lived and died with their existence completely unknown to others except family and friends. They made the choice to change, and refused to accept their reality by creating a new one.
More verbal diarrhea, this time they're starting to become philosophical.
At a university in Switzerland there is a radioactive source mounted near a Geiger counter. This experiment allows anyone, anywhere using a computer with JAVA enabled to see in real-time their influence on the radioactive source which creates the random numbers. There are three different ESP experiments which anyone online can participate in. This author first tried this experiment (the bell curve) online in the early 1990's. Although I'm about 10,000 miles from the actual experiment, I can mentally move the red line horizontally on the bell-curve beyond the odds of probability. Most likely you can move the line, too. You concentrate on "right" or "left" and it will move in that direction.
Spontaneous radioactive decay is unpredictable. At times you may seem to be controlling it, but in reality (pun intended) it's just an illusion of the mind.
Still image taken from Fourmilab experiment you can do. Concentration moves the wandering red line left or right after the JAVA experiment loads (not this image.)
Once again, this experiment shows that humans are lead to believe that they are somehow controlling natural phenomenon if they happen to be thinking in the same direction (i.e. the line will move there sooner or later, and what the 'believers' call perseverence and "power of thought" is what we call "waiting for it to happen")

Agree, this is a load of bullshit.
incredible bullshit, and fortunately for me, Robert already did a nice job pointing that out =P
Nothing's impossible.
Everything's an illusion, how can some people walk over fire without getting burned? They accept that, the fire isn't real and that it's an illusion.
Nothing's impossible.
Everything's an illusion, how can some people walk over fire without getting burned? They accept that, the fire isn't real and that it's an illusion.

Time travel is impossible. And those people who walk over fire have probably bee burned before and have calluses that resist some of the burning.

Saying that everything is an illusion is a little too much like accepting the Matrix belief. So Oxy, are you going to take the blue pill or the red pill?
Nothing's impossible.
Everything's an illusion, how can some people walk over fire without getting burned? They accept that, the fire isn't real and that it's an illusion.

that's bull. I can move my finger over a candle for many minutes without getting burned, yet I don't believe that it's an illusion.

Try putting those people in a cage in a wooden house. Set it on fire, and see how much of an illusion it will be then.
You can move your finger over a candle? How can you compare that to walking over a fire 20 meters long?
Do you believe in mind over matter?
Consciousness, the Brain and Spirituality - A Quantum Connection?

Are life and consciousness connected to the funda-mental level of reality?

Consciousness defines our existence and reality, but the mechanism by which

the brain generates thoughts and feelings remains unknown.

Most explanations portray the brain as a computer, with nerve cells ("neurons") and their synaptic connections acting as simple switches. However computation alone cannot explain why we have feelings and awareness, an "inner life."

We also don't know if our conscious perceptions accurately portray the external world. At its base, the universe follows the seemingly bizarre and paradoxical laws of quantum mechanics, with particles being in multiple places simultaneously, connected over distance, and with time not existing. But the “classical” world we perceive is definite, with a flow of time. The boundary or edge (quantum state reduction, or ‘collapse of the wave function”) between the quantum and classical worlds somehow involves consciousness.

I spent twenty years studying how computer-like structures called microtubules inside neurons and other cells could process information related to consciousness. But when I read The emperor’s new mind by Sir Roger Penrose in 1991 I realized that consciousness may be a specific process on the edge between the quantum and classical worlds. Roger and I teamed up to develop a theory of consciousness based on quantum computation in microtubules within neurons. Roger’s mechanism for an objective threshold for quantum state reduction connects us to the most basic, “funda-mental” level of the universe at the Planck scale, and is called objective reduction (OR). Our suggestion for biological feedback to microtubule quantum states is orchestration (Orch), hence our model is called orchestrated objective reduction, Orch OR.

"Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of the universe" - Freeman Dyson

In recent years I have concluded that such a connection to the basic proto-conscious level of reality where Platonic values are embedded is strikingly similar to Buddhist concepts, and may account for spirituality.

"Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of the universe" - Freeman Dyson

david icke - secrets of the matrix pt 3 - Google Video

The Origins of Evil - Michael Tsarion - Google Video

The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion] - Google Video
Don't we only use something like 5% of our brains? Imagine if we used something like 95%... even 100% - would we even be able to handle such amount of intelligence?

p.s: PrOLAND has been getting that % lowered every generation. That's why they like MU.
cool thread mate brings up some interesting things

There are so many things wrong with that i dont know where to start.

For one you cant change water by thinking it, its just not possible. Atoms dont change because we want them to, they change because of physics (wether we know about that part of physics or not, its still physics)

ESP is a load of crap, its chance. As much as i would like to beleive we are all inter connected, i really dont think we are. If we were all alittle bit psycic surely evolution would of made us strengthen that part of us instead of making us learn how to speak?...

Numerous experiement at quantum level has proven it? Last time i checked we were still learning about quantum physics. This guy seems to make stuff up and state it as fact...

Yes people make there own future, ofcourse they do. Its called free will, not some sort of mythical changing matter to suit our purpose. If it were really possible wouldnt someone be changing rocks into gold? No because its not possible.

How can (brilliant) engineers redesigning things out of other parts possibly support this arguement? They making one thing out of other things, not making a part out of thin air.

There is a good chance our mind can effect diseases in our body, if you give up on yourself theres a good chance your going to die. But curing yourself from stuff? no, that would be the medicine getting pumped into your body.

Quantum level of thought power, nice using some made up bullshit stated earlier to enforce your arguement again...

That bell curve thing in brilliant... tell it you are trying to get it to go in the green, and then try making it go in the red. Notice how it goes no where near the red? Because its entirely bullshit and the programmer made it to do that. I wouldnt be suprised if half the people in coders paridise that know java could make the same thing...

I call shenanigans...

isnt it true however at quantum level that results of experiments will vary dependant on whether or not it is being observed, the 2 slits test ot whatever its called is a good example

healing and the mind are connected far more than people believe, medicine does work of course it does its a fucking amazing thing and many people are alive today who wouldnt be if it wasnt for modern medcine how you cannot disregard the thusands of cases where people have completely healed themselves without anyform of treatment other than their strength of mind

morris e goodman is a perfect example of self healing, after crashing an aeroplane and pretty much destroying his body he was left in hospital unable to even breath for himself his diaphragm was completely ruptured, he was told for the rest of his life he would only be able to blink his eyes
left with machines keeping him alive breathing for him and with his spine shattered he managed to walk out of the hospital on his own 2 feet that same year

the human mind and body needs to be given much more credit than it already has it is a beautiful and magnificant thing, the only problem i see is that they can be piloted by idiots lol

the bell curve thing im not soo sure on myself as u say it could be easily rigged i also call shens on that

at the same time its worth looking into experiments done with random number generators with lines 1s and 0s simply trying to make the computer produce more 1s or more 0s. many experiments like that out there, quite interesting to look at indeed

esp is far from a load of crap, too much evidence there, far too much :P M-field theory for one has been proven again and again rupert sheldrake has some ace stuff on that

remote viewing and such again theres fkin loads of evidence for and all the evidence against makes me giggle :P

the way i understand it is that with any form of "extra" sensory perception is that it gets better and more accurate with practice, obviously spot tests with random people are going to produce average results but when you have strict tests done in easily repeatable ways that far out reach chance results people have to see it is definately real

the evolution argument is far from viable too, we are far from perfect every animal has something that can be improved on, take the male genitals for example, they could do with more protection really but they do their job so obviously they dont need 2 change, many more examples but its obvious stuff

aids and cancer are big business :(