Webzen Source files Season 5.2

Experienced Elementalist
Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all.
I'm currently working on decompiling GameServer v1.01.03 (Tha), mainly for educational purposes.
Since the original source files have been released in this forum (for a previous version), I thought I 'd use this in order to diff the two bins and only decompile new content.
The problem I have run into is that the original sources do not have a configuration to compile Thailand version of the GameServer.
I tried to get around this problem by trying to emulate a configuration (using some guesswork) but this led me to another problem.
It seems that the preprocessor directive "FOR_THAILAND" was not used for compiling the new GameServer so either the directive has been deprecated at some point or the new GameServer was not compiled in Thai mode (highly unlikely as you can see the path in pdb contains the word "Thai").
My question is:
1. Does anyone have any insight in the configuration used for compiling the new GameServer?
2. Is there a way to gain that information using the pdb? (As far as I know compiler directives are lost but maybe there's a trick to methodically guess information using the pdb)
Thanks for reading.