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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Cymru :D
The weekend is finnaly here its been a long week
wots evre1 up 2 this fine weekend, im goin 2 get veryy drunk 2morrow night and regret it on sunday, any1 else??:good::smoke:
Exclamatio said:
gl man :D where u gonna try?

and for me prolly seeing gf tomoz and training 4 the rest of weekend ^________^
lol was gonna try in town but I got drunk last nite and asked my ex 2 meet me instead. I met her and I fucked up >.<
carnage said:
ahhhhh u didnt say it was love in ya previous post n00b lol.

well in that case why not give it another go....as the saying

LOVE conqueres all. :good:
erm I also sed I fucked up lol. She doesn't want nethin 2 do with me nemore I can tell
carnage said:
Damn.....soz to hear that dude.
did she say she dosent want nothing to do with u or is it u just thinking it. signals could be gettin crossed ya no.
she didn't say nethin bout it but i jus got that impression
carnage said:
never judge a book by its cover m8........u might be suprised.
talk with her about it .ano its easier said than done but its the only way u gonna find out.
pffft no chance. I can't jus ask her that. She'll think I'm obsessed. Man I 4got how fit she was tho :drool: