Sipher deleted my topic, who would of thought that would happen....
I wouldn't be me though if i didn't save such posts in a text file... so here is it again, this time don't be a big n00b and just reply to it.
Listen up Sipher
You talk about rules, yet you can't keep yourself to it, you ban me on sight, even when i don't break any rules.
Now you said this
Now you indeed don't want me here, but it's not upto you, and even if you don't want me here, that doesn't mean no one wants me here.
You made this personal yourself, everytime you ban me, and yet i don't flame you, so what's your excuse? This is personal, and you know that, now you should know that you can't keep me away, you can keep banning me, but it has no use, don't deny it, if you think it makes you look tough then forget about it, people cared the first time, and maybe the second time, but now they don't, so don't waste your time, and show that you can enforce the rules, instead of making your own set of rules.
I wouldn't be me though if i didn't save such posts in a text file... so here is it again, this time don't be a big n00b and just reply to it.
Listen up Sipher
You talk about rules, yet you can't keep yourself to it, you ban me on sight, even when i don't break any rules.
Now you said this
Yeah i was banned so much now, do you know why? Because you keep banning me, it's like saying a person is a asshole because he gets flamed in every topic, while the person that is telling him that is the one flaming him in every topic.God damn gohan, a new person comes to the forum, and they already dont like you, you were banned so much now, and got the idea your not welcomed, and you come back? why WHY? FOR FUK SAKES why dont you leave rz and never come back? BANNED!!
Now you indeed don't want me here, but it's not upto you, and even if you don't want me here, that doesn't mean no one wants me here.
You made this personal yourself, everytime you ban me, and yet i don't flame you, so what's your excuse? This is personal, and you know that, now you should know that you can't keep me away, you can keep banning me, but it has no use, don't deny it, if you think it makes you look tough then forget about it, people cared the first time, and maybe the second time, but now they don't, so don't waste your time, and show that you can enforce the rules, instead of making your own set of rules.