• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

What a surprise...

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Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sipher deleted my topic, who would of thought that would happen....

I wouldn't be me though if i didn't save such posts in a text file... so here is it again, this time don't be a big n00b and just reply to it.

Listen up Sipher

You talk about rules, yet you can't keep yourself to it, you ban me on sight, even when i don't break any rules.

Now you said this
God damn gohan, a new person comes to the forum, and they already dont like you, you were banned so much now, and got the idea your not welcomed, and you come back? why WHY? FOR FUK SAKES why dont you leave rz and never come back? BANNED!!
Yeah i was banned so much now, do you know why? Because you keep banning me, it's like saying a person is a asshole because he gets flamed in every topic, while the person that is telling him that is the one flaming him in every topic.

Now you indeed don't want me here, but it's not upto you, and even if you don't want me here, that doesn't mean no one wants me here.

You made this personal yourself, everytime you ban me, and yet i don't flame you, so what's your excuse? This is personal, and you know that, now you should know that you can't keep me away, you can keep banning me, but it has no use, don't deny it, if you think it makes you look tough then forget about it, people cared the first time, and maybe the second time, but now they don't, so don't waste your time, and show that you can enforce the rules, instead of making your own set of rules.
I knows this isnt my buisnes sine its concerning Sipher and well Kaoii since you fight with him all the time


Why were you baned the first time? Especialy since you were a mod O_o
I used to be a Admin aswell...

Why was i banned? Ehm depends on which time, if we are talking about the last month or so then i would say that i don't know, i'm far from the perfect member, but i can't say i really did something really bad, i also only received 1 warning so far, which was actually on like my 4th of 5th account, i never received any warnings the first time.

Anyway i'm unlucky, DE hasn't liked me for about a year now, Neo also has something personal against me, i can see she takes joy in moderating me, and well Sipher is just the latest addition to that...
The first time was about 1 year ago... so it's really pointless to discuss that.
if a treads been deleted mods can still acces it so you dont need to b scared that sipher deleted your poor treads and nobody of the staff hangs around enough to see this huge unjust that is comming to you ;)
anyway locked for ehhh...continuing a deleted tread :tp:
if you have complains about the fact sipher bans you everytime he sees you mail to [email protected]
and spare me the pleasure of continueing a locked tread and giving me a reason to ban you :)
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