What are u doing right now....

Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Rocking With MaX and Ronnie on Stage
oky make it like me

Mood: quite good
Musik: Bullet for my Valentine - Hands of Blood
Weather: Rainy
Thirsty: yeah i am and i drink now Pepsi
Hungry: yeah also eatin pizza
what are u doing now?: Sitting infront of my pc and smoke
Wishes: that i should have a nice day
Greetz: everyone on this Forum

so like this......quite funny
Silverfang - What are u doing right now.... - RaGEZONE Forums
HEY! Not all of us cut >.<

I find cutting completely stupid though.
nope ur wrong :) cuz i was not that who start all of this so it was not my fault who was writing me in this Threath this things about meey will have proper punishment for their reactions inculeds u ;)

what do i get, is it a cookie???

Ur is not a word =\...neither is U.
Anyway, found a thing that will catch your attention

Silverfang - What are u doing right now.... - RaGEZONE Forums

i has one of thoes