What do you people do?

what do we do? get a life :D

Edit: nar also when im home I make games but right now im making a new website layout IF you must know :p
listen to music (pennywise atm)
d/l some films to watch getting catch me if you can atm anyone know if its any good?
and im d/ling new mir as last time i played was almost a year ago now heck it might have been a bit longerr than that as it was when clear rings were in shops after spiderpatch update and when they rewound that time i gave up cos i love my clear ring lol
no i only ever played rz mir3 i like it but im glad we back to mir2 :p

im d/l offical mir1.5 ill go on have a look around (on a free account of course) then maybee get to lvl 7 and pk a few n00bs who knows i might look up some old friends then harass GMs untill i get banned
mIRC! man that community sux of idlers =/ Idleing is the main thing good of the program but man when you need to talk it just sux.
twista said:
The latest official mir version is 1.5.
I usually play cs, listen to music, chat on mIRC, browse forums or go out

did i do summit wrong? did i not say im d/ling mir1.5? or am i just out of it as useual?

needed to add on to my list of things i do when rz do i stare into the computer and try to trip out w/o any drugs its weird and fun but not the same
You could do with a remote windows box thats idle, for ya to run the server on tbh.
Shame you dont like sharing the server files, cos you could use one of mine.
Yeah you could let him host saying hes never in all day all week appart from after 12 (damn ;P)

Edit: btw double post :P
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