What do you think of these people?

Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
What Do You Think Of These People?

DarkBahamut -
Exclamatio -
Capricorn -
Morphix -
Steely -
Tupac -
Bazi -
Omen -
Neosparky -
Dragon -
Solares -
GohanSSJ -
DeadlyEagle -
MentaL -
Makaveli -
Nik-C -
Bahamut -
EvilKitten -
Rannie -
Strider -
DonTonberry -

Heres Mine

DarkBahamut - Total FF Freak
Exclamatio - By Best Bim Ever, Really Cool Guy
SIC - Smelly Mosher But Great Friend
Capricorn - RZ Wouldnt Be The Same Without Him
Morphix - Geordie AWP Noob
Steely - Funny As Fuck, Cool Guy
Tupac - Sexy :cooL:
Bazi - Noob Man Utd Fan, Funny Git
Omen - Lol, My Poison Dummy :cool:
Neosparky - Evil Evil Person, Always Picking On me And Beating Me At Every Game Imaginable
Dragon - Eviler Than Neo, Very Very Cool Tho
Solares - Website Man, Argues With Gohan Over Image Quality, Gets Twatted Of EK
GohanSSJ - Hmmmmmmmmmmm
DeadlyEagle - Funny Belgian, Sexy Sister
Athena- Cool Now Actually ;)
MentaL - My Friend And Partner, Elite Photoshop Skillz Lol
Makaveli - One Of Longest Standing Friends and My Student
Nik-C - I Know His GF IRL, He Very Cool And Rebelious
Bahamut - Bald Man, Scared MD
MD- Scares Easy
EvilKitten - Evil Cow Who Kicks Men In The Face :tp:
Rannie - Anime Freak Lololol
Strider - Sexy Sexy Man ;) Very Cool
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Re: What Do You Think Of These People?

DarkBahamut - pwnz0r :P
Exclamatio - Fitness freak/bim man
SIC - beer + music freak
Capricorn - gay....very....cs freak also
Morphix - 1337 pvv|\|4g3
Steely - cant decide his sexuality...cool guy :P
Tupac - also a cool guy
Bazi - fun to abuse + gr8 fun to talk to
Omen - crossdressing hippie
Neosparky - scary when called things :P
Dragon - never talked to..:/
Solares - USB lover (attempted to jam his penis into his usb port)
GohanSSJ - GAY lol
DeadlyEagle - cool guy, dont see him around much these days tho :P
Athena- was cool in rz 5, aint spoke to her since though..
MentaL - the boss...cool guy...very scary when photoshop is opened lol
Makaveli - never talked to either. seems cool tho
Nik-C - Brad pitt lover, he is cool :)
Bahamut - what more can i say? Bald ff freak...who called me flattop..:/
MD- t3h pimp3h of ragezone
EvilKitten - cool person to talk to she tells me things :P
Trannie - Anime lover, cool person to talk to also lol
Strider - aint talked to either lol
DonTonberry - The master of Bim, supplies porn,abuse and fun..what more can i say? :P
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DarkBahamut - .............
Exclamatio - kick arse guy
SIC - prob the only person on the forum who has the best taste in music and is such a nice guy
Capricorn - very funny, but gay
Morphix - counter-strike junkie
Steely - bit of a groupy
Tupac - horny
Bazi - groupy
Omen - .............
Neosparky - lovely
Dragon - ............
Solares - nice guy
GohanSSJ - different
DeadlyEagle - 1337
Athena- very nice and honust
MentaL - .. What can i say, im the greatest thing since slice bread ... mad photoshop skillz
Makaveli - good bad and ugly
Nik-C - brad pitt wannabe
Bahamut - nice
MD- normal
EvilKitten - normal
Rannie - ........
Strider - hehe :) domiaguilera :)
dontonberry - one of the guys
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MentaL said:
DarkBahamut - .............
Exclamatio - kick arse guy
SIC - prob the only person on the forum who has the best taste in music and is such a nice guy
Capricorn - very funny, but gay
Morphix - counter-strike junkie
Steely - bit of a groupy
Tupac - horny
Bazi - groupy
Omen - .............
Neosparky - lovely
Dragon - ............
Solares - nice guy
GohanSSJ - different
DeadlyEagle - 1337
Athena- very nice and honust
MentaL - .. What can i say, im the greatest thing since slice bread ... mad photoshop skillz
Makaveli - good bad and ugly
Nik-C - brad pitt wannabe
Bahamut - nice
MD- normal
EvilKitten - normal
Rannie - ........
Strider - hehe :) domiaguilera :)

Missed Me Nubin :cry:
Re: What Do You Think Of These People?

DarkBahamut - Asskisser, serious here, and it's not just me who thinks that...
Exclamatio - Nice guy
SIC - same as above
Capricorn - depends on his mood...
Morphix - Don't like him
Steely - Don't really know him
Tupac - Also a nice guy
Bazi - Don't know him really
Omen - Same as above
Neosparky - Good friend
Dragon - Same as above
Solares - Nice guy... it didn't used to be like that. :tp:
GohanSSJ - Teh 1337
DeadlyEagle - Bleh...
Athena- Corrupt
MentaL - My lover :D
Makaveli - Nice guy untill he gets a bit pissed off >.<
Nik-C - ....
Bahamut - Don't know him really
MD- Depends...
EvilKitten - Good friend, although i hardly talk to her these days >.<
Rannie - A bit weird lol :tp:
Strider - Nice guy
DonTonberry - Same as Cap...
split & re-opened
reason: I want to and I can :tp:

my turn:

DTB: good friend had loads of good moments with him
DarkBahamut - no relations
Exclamatio - ok guy from what I read, never spoken to him in person yet, but mayb I shud someday
SIC - spam0rize.com =P
Capricorn - obsessed with my sister, but cool guy if hes not thinking about sex =P
Morphix - pk all the way
Steely - dont really know him that well and to b honest never payed much attention to his posts either lol =/
Tupac - oldie
Bazi - always on top (if youre thinking about something pervers here think again cap =P)
Omen - erm, some english bitch =p?
Neosparky - good friend, good character, always there to say the right words
Dragon - no relations
Solares - good guy
GohanSSJ ==>he said bleh to me what do you people think lol :( hes a meanie!
DeadlyEagle - grea...o wait thats me =)
Athena- when she first came here she wasnt used to the hard world thats called rz, but well done in fitting in athena =)
MentaL - good friend always there to talk, and to make me laugh, funny accent to =P
Makaveli - good guy in heart but jumps on his horse to fast
Nik-C - no relations
Bahamut - great guy I wish we talked more baha if you read this add me to msn lets catch up =P
MD- cool guy
EvilKitten - dont really know her that well shes ok from what ive seen =P
Rannie - no relations

some I want to add:
thedeath - good friend always there to talk with
johny - good guy good friend
Jordon - buddy forever 1337fact0r 10
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DarkBahamut - ff fan that cant be bad :D
Exclamatio - well ya know what can i say, sexy beast ^.^
SIC - pukey is great rageparty veteren
Capricorn - great guy funny as hell
Morphix - great accent, good cs skills :D
Steely - sexual confused :tp:
Tupac - bo selecta
Bazi - high lvl0r
Omen - addicted to pk :D
Neosparky - cool guy really ^_^ *prepares to be hit lots*
Dragon - another cool guy (muahaha hehe)
Solares - ruuun to the hilllllss! ruuun orr yourr life! (inside joke)
GohanSSJ - needs to detox on power :) smart guy though :)
DeadlyEagle - cool guy, knows what hes doin
Athena- in game, cool as hell :)
MentaL - just your average insanely l337 hax0r :D
Makaveli - great guy we saw sic and stri destroy a bus stop with their heads
Nik-C - cool guy :D has good tast in brad pitt ^_^
Bahamut - n000beh :D
MD- big D you are the man :D
EvilKitten - great person really friendly ^_^
Rannie - teh knowledge on anime ^_^ rannie we salute you ^.^
Strider - funny as hell, stri u rock
DonTonberry - don has the skills, dream analysis, paint editing and pro bimming :D

i know this aint every1 but i didnt get much sleep >.<
Re: What Do You Think Of These People?

DarkBahamut - i pked on phoenix :PP but he/she cool :p
Exclamatio - 1 of the best on rz cant flaw him 1 bit
SIC - r/l m8 cool geeza
Capricorn - ghey but cool :P
Morphix - Plays CS to much
Steely - Dont know him to well but he a nice fella
Tupac - known him about 2 years now the Don lol :hail:
Bazi - Same as steely but rz 4 let me in his guild :D
Omen - known him quite a while gr8 geeza
Neosparky - knew her off phoenix nice girl
Dragon - dont know her :s
Solares - lol flirty flirty with kitten ;p cool
GohanSSJ - depends aswell can be cool.... at times lol
DeadlyEagle - cant believe he forgot me -.-
Athena- she calmed down on the moddin and she nice now :D
MentaL - The Daddy :D
Makaveli - cant flaw him neither good guy
Nik-C - probs best m8 on rz ;P known him bout 2 year aswell
Bahamut - dont get me started.. jk sound guy
MD- Scared all the time ;(
EvilKitten - nice lady wacky sometimes (i h8 cats argh)
Rannie - dont know him/her
Strider - same as maka :D
DonTonberry - rebel gr8 guy ;)
Re: What Do You Think Of These People?

DarkBahamut - Don't really know :(
Exclamatio - Judooooo Chop! Cha'mone, mother fucker! Funny, funny man.
SIC - What can I say, great buddy ^^
Capricorn - I r pr0!!!
Morphix - Tool :tp: Nah just joking he's a real pr0 :good:
Steely - Don't talk to him often but he's my her0
Tupac - Pimpin' ain't easy :D
Bazi - Fellow pimp ;)
Omen - Haven't really spoken to him much lately
Neosparky - Easy to talk to and one of my best online friends ^^
Dragon - Friend of Neo :tp:
Solares - Don't really talk to him much anymore, still cool though
GohanSSJ - Depends
DeadlyEagle - Don't really talk much but still a good guy :)
Athena - Respected.
MentaL - He's a Craiiiiiigggggggg Davidddddd what a crank, bo selecta!
Makaveli - Damn good m8eh
Nik-C - As above
Bahamut - Don't talk to him as much as I used to but a good m8eh
MD- Sexyyyy, everything about him so sexyyyy
EvilKitten - Good friend :) One of teh best
Rannie - Quiet but a nice person ^^
Strider - Don't talk to anymore / very little
DonTonberry - Utter, utter tool, I mean pr0. :tp:
DarkBahamut - ff addicted(quite as me :rolleyes: )nice friend btw .
Exclamatio - met him sometimes ingame seems to be a good guy.
SIC - never talked with him.
Capricorn - Pked me once(lol
Re: What Do You Think Of These People?

Kk let's go:

DarkBahamut - FF fan which is alwayz a bonus :P Funny and (mostly(j/k)) nice person :P

Exclamatio- Seriously if can find a fault in this guy's persnality then I'll give u a tenner :P Gr8 guy

SIC - erm...Call me Mike plz :P

Capricorn - Awesome m8, gr8 2 chat 2, alwayz listens 2 wot I gotta say and shares loadsa daft info 2. Never fails 2 make me smile :P

Morphix - Cool, hardly spoke 2 at all recently tho. CS freak :P

Steely - Funny as fuck, nice guy 2

Tupac - P.I.M.P. Daft lil poser, funny+cool guy

Bazi - Not spoke 2 in agggggggggggges, alwayz seemed cool tho. Sayin that he's a proper Man U fan so he owns u all :P

Omen - Awesome guy, used 2 chat 2 him not stop back in the day lol :P Don't chat that often nemore but he's alwayz gonna b a god buddy of mine

Neosparky - FUCKING INSANE but a VERY nice person

Dragon - Same as above thinkin about it lol

Solares - Nice guy, loves USB ports. Should b meetin him in r/l sooner or later

GohanSSJ - Don't know wot 2 make of his moderating nemore- used 2 think it was perfect but I've been disagreeing with a few of his decisions recently :P Good guy 2 chat 2+my KingsOfChoas buddy :P

DeadlyEagle - Again, as with others, not chatted 2 at all recently, alwayz been a cool guy tho

Athena- Had ups and downs but she's been gr8 recently

MentaL - Welsh nutter, very funny guy, cool accent, awesome taste in music, crazy Photoshop skillz. We're gonna hav 2 test them vocals properly 1 day :P

Makaveli - Class guy, my br0 4 life, the party in Leeds was 1 of the best nites out eva. He's funny as 2 :p

Nik-C - Cool guy, becmin a bit of poser as well me thinx. Brad Pitt wannab of course but a seriously nice guy, my respect 4 him continues 2 grow

Bahamut - This guy is off his head, I consider him 1 of my best online m8s, alwayz manages 2 make shit interesting, gr8 m8 and funny 2

MD- r/l m8, alwayz spoke highly of him, class guy. He's a rite lil pussy tho :P

EvilKitten - Gr8 m8. Alwayz chat 2 her. Musical taste is gernerally pretty good. She appriciates a lot of the music I send her ^^ Will probs b meetin in r/l again if QuikS and Sol get a party that I'm actually invited 2 goin :P

Rannie - Anime freak lol, nice person, talks a lot of crap- which I love btw lol

Strider - Very funny guy, not really chatted 2 that much really but met him in r/l. Sound as. Still got his hat >.<

DonTonberry - Pfffffffft total fuckin prick, I h8 this guy more then ne1 on this planet........... U c if ne1 eva sed nethin close 2 that <<<< then I'd hunt them down :mad: DTB is the man. Very cool 2 chat 2, funny as well and knows how 2 appriciate good guitar solos

Can I go eat now plz? Cheerz ^^
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Re: Re: What Do You Think Of These People?

speedhorn666 said:
Kk let's go:

DonTonberry - Pfffffffft total fuckin prick, I h8 this guy more then ne1 on this planet........... U c if ne1 eva sed nethin close 2 that <<<< then I'd hunt them down :mad: DTB is the man. Very cool 2 chat 2, funny as well and knows how 2 appriciate good guitar solos

Can I go eat now plz? Cheerz ^^

I Agree, DTB Is A Fucking Prick :D
DarkBahamut - who?
Exclamatio - On the roids
SIC - Smelly Mosher who is cool :P spose
Capricorn - Weakling
Morphix - Smelly Gordy puddin n pie had a wank n spunked in his eye
Steely - HERO!!!
Tupac - GOD!!!
Bazi - Gay (is making an orlando bloom website ROFL)
Omen - Teh peadophile :P
Neosparky - Wierd
Dragon - erm erm...
Solares - Big hat
GohanSSJ - Most hated
DeadlyEagle - Oldie
Athena- Teh second most hated
MentaL - who?
Makaveli - im leavin again but ill stay for u
Nik-C - teh brad wanna be
Bahamut - spoon
MD- Boyfriend :)
EvilKitten - Seen her tits nice ;)
Rannie - erm hurt ma face in gay brother dick ed lol
Strider - prolly bout 50 he been using same photo for years
DonTonberry - on a farm in teh shire

/Tupac and Steely effort