what if you woke up one morning and you had no memory of previous events...

if i woke up holding a smelly dirty tramp in the streets of manchester will a bottle of whisky in 1 pocket and an unused condom in the other id cry

however in the past ive had memory loss due to alchohol and it wasnt so bad hehe just found out loadsa embarrasing stuff off my m8s and got dirty looks of some girl i didnt even know the day after in college lol :D
QuikS said:
no matter how drunk i am i dont get off with ugly birds... well once but i was too drunk :p
like I sed my m8s told me lol. I didn't even remember
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QuikS said:
i bet u did just so ashamed :p
honestly I didn't even remember wot they looked like. We went back 2 where the party was and they were there and my m8 was like 'u went with her like 6 times dude' I was like 'who the fuck is she? :/'
speedhorn666 said:
honestly I didn't even remember wot they looked like. We went back 2 where the party was and they were there and my m8 was like 'u went with her like 6 times dude' I was like 'who the fuck is she? :/'

actually i believe u coz 1 time i went into town and this girl came up to me and she knew me and everything and i had no idea who she was and i asked my mate after and he sed i did stuff with her at this party and i just laffed
QuikS said:
actually i believe u coz 1 time i went into town and this girl came up to me and she knew me and everything and i had no idea who she was
that happened 2 me once as well:lol: absolutly no idea. I asumed she was 1 of my gf's m8s but my gf came a min later and sed she had no idea who it was :/
QuikS said:
lol yer i just asumed it was my sisters mate lol oh well shit happens hehe
yeah u say 'shit happens' and 'oh well' but if u'd seen these couple of girls I had when drunk, u'd puke. I know I did later that day lol >.<