What is the most stupid thing you have done?

Dec 27, 2003
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So what would be the stupidest thing you have ever done?

For me it would be at my Black Belt testing, I was showing off and I fell doing a really high front kick!

Thank you, this proud moment brought to you....
most stupid thing..... hmmmm.

I would say its getting stupidly drunk in a very short amount of time when not haveing had something to eat all day. As uve prolly seen on another thread.... it resulted in me haveing to walk home in the dark, falling over, twisteing my ankle, falling unconcious, wakeing up an hour later in a pool of my own sick on the side of the road. Eventually walking home in agony (twisted ankle) and falling asleep.

Think that about covers it :)
drinking too much on an empty stomach and fainting in the middle of town with lots of people seeing it >.<

but i'm so 1000% sure i've done "better" then that... havent really tought about it really
lol most stupid thing i dun is with me m8s we dried n grilled banana skin n tried 2 smoke it lol it fuks u up proper lol so try it fun but messes ur hed
(warning take care wen likin the rizla paper try not 2 get papercut and always use a raoch) :D
I made so many mistakes, yet there isn't really one that i think was really stupid... in a way...

Ah nevermind about me, it's 0:45 am here, i'm sitting behind my computer feeling all shit... just party on people...
DeadlyEagle said:
while riding a bike my sisters where yelling watch out a car but I didnt hear them so looked behind and said "what" 2 seconds later I flew trough the air, the car had a pretty big bump in it :)

dunno if its the most stupid thing Ive done tough I really do alot of stupid things dayly :)

That sounds painful!