What is your all time favorite action movie???

I'm not into action movies

but if the matrix is action movie i take the matrix

if not ill take euhm... Resident Evil (if that is an action movie lol)
next month for the matrix reloaded

and resident evil IS a good movie, dunno if uve seen it in the cinema, but it was waaaay better than i had expected as i am not so fond of the game
Lol, other way round 4 me (well sort of, I like res evil 2+3),
the film was way 2 cheesey, crap plot, crap actors- waste of time :bad:
STEELY said:
Hmm best action movie wud have to be hmmm hmm hmm to ard =/

so many too choose from

romeo must die

lol dont even get me started on the arnie and stalone classics pfft

yeah! romeo must die is a very good movie . i love the fightin scenes and the plot is ok :good: