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What is your view on Homosexuality?

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 15, 2011
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Yea, what is your view on homosexuality??

Is it a choice?

Should homosexuals be allowed to marry?


I believe there are two types of 'gays', and two types of 'straights'.

The gays that choose to be gay, the gays that choose to be straight.

And the Straights that choose to be gay, and the straights that choose to be straight.

I 100% believe that your sexuality is something that you are born with. but it is defiantly a choice to pursue the lifestyle of either gay or straight.

I do NOT believe homosexuality is a disease.

I believe that all religions that teach that homosexuality in any way is wrong, is false.


i want to know your views on homosexuality. Discuss.

PS: I'm a homosexual. not by choice, born this way. btw :):
Yea, what is your view on homosexuality??

I'm neither for, nor against it. It doesn't bother me any more.
Is it a choice?
Not sure. I guess no one really knows.

Should homosexuals be allowed to marry?
I don't see why not.
I was pretty much always anti-gay, but I grew up a bit and I guess you can call it maturing but If you choose to live your life that way then that's fair enough, I'd rather a guy/girl accept themselves then live a lie day to day - which can lead to severe depression and I wish that on no one.

What I can't stand about gays (and straight people), are how some of them are just loud and obnoxious (which I tend to notice more gays than straight), they wanted to be treated the same but are just irritating.
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My older brother is gay and he's a great person. Really nice guy, friendly, cheery, loves Lady GaGa a bit too much though :P: but irregardless just because he's gay doesn't make him a bad person. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality and if they want to marry then is it really anyone's right to stop them?
It's a sin against God. It's an evil choice, and all those who make it shall burn in hell!

Yeah, just like you!

Honestly, i dont know why your saying such bollocks

Gays are exactly the same as straight peoples, being gay doesnt mean your worse or anything like that

By telling peoples that gays are worse, they should burn in hell and bla bla bla, all this crap makes you look the same way as Hitler

Remember that guy? Yeah hes the one who killed a lot of peoples just because he thought germans are better than other races, same goes to you, when your saying that straight peoples are better than gays, and gays should burn it hell, it "puts you in the same light" as hitler

Hitler wasnt right at all, everyone are equal and we should respect other peoples decisions

I honestly think that gay marriages should be allowed

I was born this way hun!

What my sig says:

- I believe that marriage isn't between a man and woman, but between love and love
funny thing is that the bible doesn't even mention anything about homosexuality being bad, yes it was prosecuted 2000 years ago, but no single word of your "god" that it's good or bad, it was just disgusted religious nuts who said it was gods will that you be straight
Gays or not, they're human. And human should be treated as human. Most gays are really cheerful and they are full of artistic skills which i really like on them. They have this imagination that keeps on growing.

What i don't like about gays in the other hand, is that they are most likely influenced by the unhealthy society and that drag them to such an irritating person and a very disgusting looks. I guess that's why the society has bitter looks on them.

There are many factors really on how a gay/straight/girl acts/talks/dress. The most influential factor i guess is where they grow up and their environment.
In my opinion, there are two types of gays. The ones that are gay but not feminine and I am TOTALLY okay with them, they chose to like guys and that's fine.
But there's the one where they choose to be metamorphose into a girl and I find that COMPLETELY wrong.

In short, liking guys is ok, but trying to be a girl when you have a dick, is wrong.

And ofc it's not a disease.
Anyhow, I have no problem with it. I've got a girlfriend and all and I do think homosexuals should have the right to marry. Yes, it may be going against God in many ways but we go against him/sin in many ways every single day. People have sex before marriage, that's going against God, even practising Catholics break that rule, so I don't see why Homosexuality is a problem.
If you are gay its up to you. Im going to hate you for a person, not your sexuality.
I dont believe it is a choice to be gay, although, over the 3 years I have been at uni, I have noticed that some people have suddenly become gay from the people that they have befriended.

People who are homophobic are scared because gay people are "not normal" in the sence that they are going against normality.
I remember reading a study quite a while ago and seeing references to it every now and again that found a link between a specific hormone in the brain and homosexuality. While I'm fairly certain that it isn't entirely definitive it does make some sense if you think about homosexuality from a simple biological standpoint and not a made up human one (that is what it is)

The purpose of sex is to cause a female of the species to become pregnant and to reproduce (a least in non-asexual organisms) for the continuation of the species. A homosexual organism is attracted to the same sex organism and attempts to have sex with it given the chance. Seeing as how this does not produce impregnation or reproduction you can see how homosexuality does not serve an actual biological role.

While I'm not exactly saying "HERP DERP GAY IS A DISEASE AND WE MUST RID THE WORLD OF IT", I am saying that it logically and biologically does not make sense. I do however believe that the people that do want to participate in homosexuality do so on their own and not try to shove it down other peoples throats (pun not intended). I know quite a few gay people that when I first met I wouldn't have pegged them as gay simply because they aren't trying to say "I'M GAY, AND YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT" as I'm sure everyone has seen by someone... Even after having found out I really didn't care as they were a genuinely good person that behaved normally and didn't try to make the "I'm gay" thing a part of every conversation they have. (Whether it be appearance or otherwise)

Overall I don't really give two shits what you want to do with your life, but the god damn millisecond you try to force things into my life it has crossed a line. The very act of trying to force other people into "accepting" others for all sorts of reasons beyond the norm is what creates these issues in the first place. I can really bet that if you don't go over the top in trying to shove things at people they won't even try to spend the energy to go after you.

In the end this is a very similar argument to the idiots over at PETA and vegans that think they act of breathing is inhumane need to stop it already. I also know lots of vegan/vegetarian people and the ones that don't try to constantly force the "oh meat is murder" or "I don't eat meat because its murdering innocent animals" at every turn are perfectly fine by me.

tl;dr don't make giant issues over petty shit no one would care about if you didn't start the issue.
Doesn't bother me, as long as they don't affect me or other peoples lives.
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