What tables should be backed up to save accounts/Characters?

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, getting new repacks and stuff requires that I replace my whole database with the new one. I want to be able to save all the accounts and characters and import them into the new database.

I am able to export/import the "accounts" and "Characters" fine. However, the character's items do not carry over. Quests and skills also are reset. What other tables need to be exported? I see a few labeled "char_" and I'm going to assume these are part of it.

Can anyone help me out here?

Thanks, Jeremy
MaNGoS DataBase Backup Tools >>

Use this tools to Safely Backup & Restore your Character, accounts, Stuffs, World Info & other things tht are needed to be Backed up.

[1] Put the files "db_backup.bat" & "db_update.bat" in your Server Directory.
[2] Use "db_backup.bat" to Backup your Existing DB, It will create a "Backup" Dir with 2 Sql files in it.
[3] Create a dir named "Update", copy the Sqls from "Backup" to "Update" dir & run "db_update.bat" to Update the Backed up data to the new DB Installation.
[4] You have Successfully Backedup ur Data & Imported it to a New DB.

Note : Edit the "*.bat" files to match your Server Login Infos, to do so "Open" the "*.bat" files in "Notepad" and Edit the Server Login Infos...

Always BACKUP your Entire Original DB, before doing anything its better to be SAFE than SORRY.

Download >> View attachment StormCRAFT_backup_tools.rar

I suppose I should have mentioned this is for Kobold. I noticed the "title MaNGOS Database Backup" in the backup.bat. Also the tables have different names it seems.
Okies...I will make one for "Kobold" but for tht i need sometime as i have to setup Kobold for it .. it will take some time ..