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What your parens don't know about you?

My parents actually know almost nothing about me. I never talk to them, never feel the need to. Every time I tried to talk to them they end up yelling at me for no reason, so when I need to talk to someone I just talk to my girl.

Heres a funny example. I learned to play the guitar 2 years ago. When I said I wanted a new guitar they said "When did you learn how to play a guitar?".

I never keep anything to myself though. The only person I feel like I can have a serious conversation with is my girl. Shes always there when I need her. <3

They also don't know about how I cut my ankles when I'm depressed.
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Generally they know most things but some I keep to myself, such as:

- Sleeping with an underage girl one time
- Not declaring the performance modifications on my car insurance
- Some of the drugs I took before I grew up

That's all that come to mind at the moment. There are more, I just can't remember. I don't keep secrets that are harmful or do things that would cause any problems in the family - I just keep to myself about things that aren't anyone elses business.
They pretty much know everything abotu ym personality and what i'm most likely to do except the mroe crazy stuff that they wouldn't expect me to do. I have a side that they don't really get to see. I'm not too open with them about the mor epersonal stuff anyway. Feel better tlking about that kind of stuff with peers.
Im pretty sure they know. And if they bish at me ill just bring up the 60s/70s. You lived in cali during the 70s, must I say more? Then you get the response, "Different times son, different times".
my parents know very little, other than the obvious like hair colour and stuff. they dont know how much i drink, the amount of porn scattered round the house, my home made explosive projects, my pyromaniac side. there are some scars and cuts even i dont know where they came from. i like to keep things to myself. there are many things that i would tell nobody.

edit: they dont know im straight either o.0
They don't know very much. Only the usual things and stuff but nothing personal. I also feel that I don't need to talk about personal matters to others unless I want to. There are fairly few people that I feel comfortable talking about personal stuff.
ive lived with my mum for many years, im a mommys boy she knows about everything. thats why i always loved my mum to bits, she's the kind of mum that you could tell her anything you wanted and she would not frown upon you in discust (except for the "mum im gay" phrase, which will never happen :P)

for instance, when i was 15 i confronted my mum about drugs (cannabis) she knew i smoked the stuff, my old man has done since i was born. she was cool about the matter, and let me and my mates smoke in my room, where we would not get into trouble on the streets and get up to no good (for instance, robbing etc). probably why ive grown up to be the man i am now, and i thank her for it.

edit: probs depends also on the age of your parents, my mums 41 and i am 22, she was 19 when she had me. which is probs why she can relate to me more and vise versa.