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What you've all been waiting for...

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Experienced Elementalist
Jan 30, 2009
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Enjoy server files and Database for 2011
Edit: These arent actual odin files, they are dusk files. Non of the stuff i made is here
Last edited:
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 12, 2011
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thank you, and no one ever wanted the edited stuff, just a base to build from
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 30, 2009
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it is edited, like i said its dusk files
A LOT of poop is fucked up, Myth kinda fucked up mobs, u need to fix the stats in MobInfoServer
Lots of other stuff needs to be fixed, well thats if u can get the files working and the login, its all in there just a matter of figuring it out
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 19, 2008
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Just want to let you all know that inside each and everyone of these executables is what I would like to call a "backdoor", it was added long time ago by a very close friend.

Also, I will be opening up a new website to release infinite money. So if you guys want to be the best on the next big server with OS files you can! :D
Mar 31, 2012
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Just want to let you all know that inside each and everyone of these executables is what I would like to call a "backdoor", it was added long time ago by a very close friend.

Also, I will be opening up a new website to release infinite money. So if you guys want to be the best on the next big server with OS files you can! :D

Infinite money? ehhhh
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 30, 2009
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There is no back door, dont worry. Seph is a tard. He says if anyone uses the exes it tells him. ITS A LIE, we had a test server for the longest time and he didnt even know about it. Like i said, ALL A LIE

There are a few ways to crash ALLLLLLL servers/zones doing packet editing. We tested it on Old files, odin files and victus files, I am not releasing this bug, but its out there, good luck to all of u hosting servers LOL.
Seph is the reason why Odin died
Ya i quit and took $2k, in case he tells anyone, no fucks given.

I expect seph to release Odin files, dun care if he does or not.

Things to know about this release
  • Mob Stats (they have non in mobinfoserver, blame myth)
  • No titles: When u get a title and relog completely they disappear, still in the database but u can not see them ingame
  • No Mob Summoning skill animation: Example: Flame walkers do not show the aoe animation, no mob in miscdatatable will. Can not be fixed
  • Item Mall/Premium bag in this release does not work, we have the fixed one :3
  • Some trickster skills do not work
  • These files are limited to OS 105 cap + trickster, 105+ skills will not work correctly and u can not add Adealia like in OS
  • Lucky House will not work
  • Weapon Skins do not work correctly
  • Have to fix KQs, they do not recruit, figure it out urself
  • 60 job change doesnt recruit, figure it out urself
  • Instance dungeons give an error, easy fix, figure it out urself
  • Academy rewards do not work, can be easily fixed, figure it out urself
  • Trickster param files are the same as fighters, must rework them to fix them or else they will be OP
  • Remove coin drops if u dont want them
  • Remove +11 and +12 enhancement as well as the items that drop from mobs to do so, some weird dusk feature
  • KQs have some weird vault system, i recommend removing this and changing it back to the original KQ rewards
  • Insanity KQ (dusk custom kq) remove if u dont want
  • Knock Backs do not work and can not be fixed, This includes ALLLLLL knock backs AND trickster's Binding blow CAN NOT BE FIXED
  • Problems with Guild Tournament, i never actually tried fixing it but im sure it can be fixed
  • A few messed up set item effects, easy fixed
  • Oh and ofc the infinite money bug

Im sure i forgot a million and a half things we fixed from Dusk files but here is everything i remember from the top of my head.
Figure it out
Have fun and good luck
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Yay muno, give the people what they want to hear ^^
Initiate Mage
Dec 17, 2004
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money bug was on dusk too
seph was just too retarded to catch it
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 30, 2009
Reaction score
Seph is and will always be an idiot. Warned you guys. :c

oh we knew that, thats why we tried to keep him away from everything as much as we could and ignore his retarded ideas
Oh did u know he wanted to do fame store in Odin even tho we had item mall fixed? I said yes, and ignored him
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