Whats the truth on advertisment in Sigs?

Infinity/Divinity Dev
Jun 7, 2004
Reaction score
The other day One mods Name Gibs whos new to these forums for some reason L2 forums mod. Tell me DDLHub.com - Host Your Files For Free is considered advertisement and theres no links allowed in ur sig.. After spending 30secs looking at almost everyones sig with L2 server advertisement in there sigs I could not understand what I was doing wrong.

I stated ddlhub.com for people who wanted share files who did not want wait in lineups and who did not want there files deleted every 5 min and such. It was clan bandwidth with greats speeds. Targeted for people like Ragezone and such for file sharing.

As Gibs is explaining anyone even posting a link to rapidshare or shared files folder is really against the rules.

My site has 0 advertisement and Gib has this in his sig:
BiteFight Server 1 -
and also
4shared - free file sharing and storage - share folder - My 4shared

When I was mod for L2 I never did a bad job but I always disappeared and I made people follow the rules but ain't there a line when you gotta stop and not be an asshole?

Tell me what you think am I really in the wrong do mods get advertise there crap? Was it wrong of my trying help and provide resources in this community?

Sorry for my bad English :(
Forum advitising is banned

Normal sites i believe is ok

Thats the impression i have gained from the time ive been a mod. I presume hes just trying to steal users to use his site instead of yours, which tbfh is abusing his power. And hell if it is against rules hes breaking it anyway.

Then I really was not doing anything wrong. Was not really advertisement I mean its fiel sharing site I want people to know put it my sig. I wanted only people like from RZ to use it. I don't want all over the net type thing. Was put up for people be able share easier theres no credits to me or anything just like putting rapidshare url in my sig.
First thing I thought... "Who?" so many random mods nowadays.

It's only against the rules to advertise forums and them games things like he has so just tell him where to go.


I did tell him where to go till he started to edit my sig for me lol he went on l2jfree irc saying stuff like ur screwed ur getting banned and crap like that.. This little punks been here few months.. I think someones gotta reconsider there mods or at lest one lol.
The rules state you must not advertise other forums on RZ, including sigs. The rest as far as I have understood is, unfortunately, up to mod's interpretation. Most(?) people would say it's forbidden to have links in your sig at all - however I'm a huge exception to this. Personally I allow nearly any kind of link, in post or sig, as long as it's presented with good taste, the site doesn't have anything illegal/something I despise (such as cheating), and the user has fair enough reputation to be allowed privileges. Goes case-by-case, but as recently discussed in more private areas, I just don't see the point with disallowing something without a good reason if letting it stay doesn't hurt anyone. If you go by this, however, don't come and cry to me if some other nazi mod gives you an infraction... :rolleyes:
Have some patience with Gibs, he's still learning and he is being a bit overreactive. We have had a lengthy chat about this and I am certain he will be a bit more easygoing on people with links in their signature.

Do note that according strictly to the rules he was right to infract you - advertising is banned, and you were clearly advertising a personal site. Now as Negata said, this is usually evaluated on a case by case basis and I have to agree that your site is indeed only usefull and therefor needn't be deleted, but strictly speaking its still an advertisement, hence the confusion.

Now, do you really think that crying about it in the outerworld is going to solve anything? Or that putting in your sig your opinion on Gibs is going to come over friendly? I'll have you know that I was very much inclined to add another infraction for doing that - you do NOT kick the new guy in my rulebook.
well i hate to say it man but just cause youve been here 3 years and hes been here for a month or so doesnt mean your right and like FF said crying in outworld wasnt the way to go you should know( since you are a ex mod and been here for 3 years) that if you have a problem with a mod then the best thing to do is take it up with a super mod then if the problem dont get solved take it to mental (but our supers are well super so the problem should be fixed when you ask them)

now dont take this as a flame or any thing offensive towards you im only stating my opinion but i agree gibs was wrong to jump the gun and infract you but like FF said hes new and in the learning stage and we all make mistakes even i made mistakes my first few weeks as mod and had to have negata to clean up behind me :/
I don't really see why you mods is complaining about him "crying".
Isn't it right to bring up questions and difficulties in the light instead of just shutting up and let things remain uncertain?
someone deleted my post lol :P


Talking about advertisements in signatures - well I was infracted once for the same reason during my starting stages on RaGEZONE. I atleast didnt make an issue out of it like this..

And one should not either. You come here on to these forums which are based on a set of rules. And if you intend to post here, you need to abide by those and follow them...

And if you dont wish to do that.. then the Mod has every right penalize you. You really cant complain about that.
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