Whats ur fav movies

Badboys2 and 2 fast 2 furious? LOL come off it guys, their HEAVY films no doubt, well good, but your favorite film? you must have seen better films than those!!!!
I'd have the top 5 i can think of right now are

1)Lord of the rings Trilogy
3)Pulp fiction
4)One flew over the cuckoo's nest
5)Minority Report
....that porn film i saw a a m8s house it want a bit like this :smileysex :smileysex
[m] :smileysex: :repuke: [/m]
:thefinger: nah must b matrix films
or some war films like behind enemy lines ect ect
usual suspects
2 fast 2 furious was good...but i guess the 1st one was better. but both inspired wannabe racers/ricers
Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs and Monty Pythons The Life Of Brian and the Holy Grail :)
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i'll have to say... Matrix trilogy... and 2nd best Pirates of the Carrabean! or how ever u spell it
Rage said:
Badboys2 and 2 fast 2 furious? LOL come off it guys, their HEAVY films no doubt, well good, but your favorite film? you must have seen better films than those!!!!
I'd have the top 5 i can think of right now are

1)Lord of the rings Trilogy
3)Pulp fiction
4)One flew over the cuckoo's nest
5)Minority Report

lol true, but i seriously love BB2, i dunno tho, Usual suspects, fight club, kill bill series, true romance, liar liar! there so many tbh i cant choose
Fav movies must be:

1. Bronx Tale
2. Scarface
3. Godfather 2
4. Spiderman
5. Superman 2
6. Mental's Day Out
