• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

What's your favourite drink?

Skilled Illusionist
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
The truth

ok, im a lil down atm, dont know why, but hell, i hit the red square :D


just so this aint spam, wtf u all drink? o.0


my drunkness aint gd >_<
pisang ambon, passoa and other exotic drinks like that (if you can count that as exotic)
bacardi breezers, flugel(those little bottles)...
I like those
if your ever in russia, you have to try actual russian vodka, beats the sh*t out of british crap
suggy said:
if your ever in russia, you have to try actual russian vodka, beats the sh*t out of british crap

Vodka tastes like arse on it's own lol.

Still I drink it straight 2 get pissed.

It's nice with tonic water:good:
nowt wrong with a spot (2 litres) of dr.pepper to make any meal go down nicely,
Dr.Pepper is infact the perfect compliment to any meal known to mankind:

1. micro pizzas - the plasticy goodness melted down into smaller more digestable chunks and washed down throuh your insides with a heavenly swig of dr.p

2. chocolate bars - well what could possibly be better than washing down sugar in its solid form with sugar in its liquid form? bliss i tell you, a bar of cadburys twirl finish of with a can of dr.p, heavenly i tell you

3. a can of dr.pepper - what better way to finish off your calm, cool carbonated can of dr.pepper than with another can of happiness labelled, Dr.Pepper?

I rest my case.