When councils make a cock-up

Evil Scottish Overlord
May 18, 2007
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United Kingdom
Quite an odd story this, found it in the newspaper this morning:


BLUNDERING bureaucrats wrote to a pensioner to tell she was off a housing waiting list...because she was dead.
And incredibly, deceased Isa Thomson was invited to appeal against the decision.
Her devastated relatives were furious at the letter - sent just three weeks after she died of septicaemia.
Council service manager Jamie Pettigrew wrote: "I write to advise you that your application for housing has been withdrawn from the housing waiting list.
"The reason for this decision is: deceased.
"If you wish to appeal against this decision you should do so in writing to the service manager at the above address."

Very odd....
"The reason for this decision is: deceased.

After that one line pretty much any normal person would have realised it was automatic. The : alone shows it's used for many different reasons, most of which would probably mean the person in question might appeal against it. Hell what if the death was a mistake? At least they are giving her to chance to appeal against her death...

Must of been a very slow news day 0o
i dont see a problem with it at all

Its simply saying that in their records she has passed away and because of that she's off the list. If that doesnt make sense then read it again.

Its more than fair to allow them to dispute this because their records could be wrong and she may not be dead at all, in which case they could get her back on it.
I loved a similar council blunder I read about the other day, the fact that Birmingham City Council sent out leaflets with the skyline of the city of Birmingham in the USA, instead of our Birmingham.

What I really thought was fantastic was that at first they denied that it was the wrong skyline! I mean, surely it's pretty easy to tell that it's wrong? lol.
