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When you try to make your Barb a Dancing Girl but disregard the Bones

I are an engineer
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know if this information will be of any help but here it is.

//	Bone flags

	//	State blend mode
		BM_NORMAL = 0,

	//	Transition flag
		TRANS_POS_X = 0x01,		//	Position X
		TRANS_POS_Y = 0x02,		//	Position Y
		TRANS_POS_Z = 0x04,		//	Position Z
		TRANS_POS = 0x07,		//	Position
		TRANS_ORI = 0x08,		//	Orientation
		TRANS_ALL = 0x0f,		//	All flags

	//	Struct used to save and load bone
	struct BONEDATA
		BYTE			byFlags;		//	Bone flags
		int				iParent;		//	Parent bone's index
		int				iAnimJoint;		//	Animation joint's index
		int				iNumChild;		//	Number of children
		A3DMATRIX4		matRelative;	//	the matrix bring vertex to parent space
		A3DMATRIX4		matBoneInit;	//	Initial bone offset matrix

	//	A struct that will hold the state transition data for this bone.
		bool			bDoTrans;		//	true, doing transition
		DWORD			dwTransMask;	//	Transition mask
		A3DVECTOR3		vStartPos;		//	position of start state
		A3DQUATERNION	quStartRot;		//	orientation of start state
		int				iAllTime;		//	total transition time
		int				iCurTime;		//	time elapse of transition
	//	Blend state of bone
	struct STATE
		A3DQUATERNION	quOrientation;	//	Blend orientation
		A3DVECTOR3		vPos;			//	Blend position
		float			fWeight;		//	Weight of matrix
		int				iBlendMode;		//	Bone blend mode
I are an engineer
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
I guess that's the real question, should I get back into developing?
Of course, I won't be working totally in the dark with me having
certain "classified" sources from 1.0 to 3.1 that I can rely on. For
example, here is a screenshot of the 2.2 sources:

jv90 - When you try to make your Barb a Dancing Girl but disregard the Bones - RaGEZONE Forums

... and the 3.1:

jv90 - When you try to make your Barb a Dancing Girl but disregard the Bones - RaGEZONE Forums

... and other sources such as:

jv90 - When you try to make your Barb a Dancing Girl but disregard the Bones - RaGEZONE Forums

It is definitely more than enough to write many different tools for games
based on this engine. Of course, any tools written will be closed source
for obvious reasons.
Elite Diviner
Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
you really should. I love making custom animations and models for this game but the main problem is having to do every single change by hand its a real nightmare.

I have alot of hand made models and animations that I have hand made but cannot very accurately convert them or bring them in. :sneaky2:
I are an engineer
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
I also have plugins (and the sources) for exporting bones, meshes, animations, etc from 3dsmax 2009.
Using these, you can create custom meshes and animations inside 3dsmax and export then to the game.
Other tools include things such as making quests, creating new terrains and populating them with
structures (litmodels) and npc's, audio editor, skills, gfx editor, mod editor, task editor, UI editor, animation
editor, as well as the entire source to a certain wanmei game (but only the client). I guess being friends with
someone who is a programmer for them has its advantages. In time, I hope to get the complete server-side
sources but will just have to wait and see. Currently, he is working on another game but on the mobile
platform. I can't say any more than that.

Obviously, I cannot release these sources but can use them as guides to write useful tools for the community.
I suppose the 3dsmax plugins may be the most useful right away so I can work on those. If you don't have
3dsmax 2009, I'm sure you can find it online somewhere. If not, let me know and I'll upload it somewhere.
I'll have to start a new thread with these development projects. Not sure how long it'll take so keep checking
back for updates, etc.
Junior Spellweaver
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Why not partner up all the badass developers of PW area and start developing the game from scratch using Unreal or Cry Engine. Angelica 2 sucks. Make Archoursaur alive. Are you guys played The Witcher 3? Imagine the city life of The Witcher 3 in PW. Will be awesome. The name of the game is simple: Awesome World

Create a new company and say b-bye to Perfect World Co.
I are an engineer
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Why not partner up all the badass developers of PW area and start developing the game from scratch using Unreal or Cry Engine. Angelica 2 sucks. Make Archoursaur alive. Are you guys played The Witcher 3? Imagine the city life of The Witcher 3 in PW. Will be awesome. The name of the game is simple: Awesome World

Create a new company and say b-bye to Perfect World Co.

Yeah, Angelica 2 is pretty outdated and Angelica 3.1 is getting outdated as well. Not sure what Angelica 4 will be like as it is still in development. I have been considering putting together an engine but the only thing stopping me is thinking about the years of work I'm going to have to put into it. The first step in any engine required paper, pencil and a whole lot of thinking to plan it out...
Junior Spellweaver
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, Angelica 2 is pretty outdated and Angelica 3.1 is getting outdated as well. Not sure what Angelica 4 will be like as it is still in development. I have been considering putting together an engine but the only thing stopping me is thinking about the years of work I'm going to have to put into it. The first step in any engine required paper, pencil and a whole lot of thinking to plan it out...

Yep. But PW has a great history and to avoid problems with copyright would be necessary change a little bit. But I guess that after few months in development (build maps and create at least 1 character) would be enough to start a crowdfunding. People approve MMORPG but PW sucks as well (not just the engine) the items price are extremely expensive, and we don't see a balanced game. Just new items with more OP attributes and everyone know that the Chinese just create this items to earn more money and sell saying that is for balance the game. shenanigans.I'm a web developer and I know that game development is complicated but talking as player I would support, if I see a new game sharing a similar "universe" with PW.