• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Where can i find a RO maps??

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If you mean the normal RO maps, they're in the data.grf and sdata.grf files. But you don't need to extract them. As for custom maps, there's not many out there, might be some on the eAthena forums. Otherwise you'll have to make your own and that is way to hard for me to explain. (you have to use one or two programs that are 100% in japanese)
I got my maps now ^.^

i got a problem.. How to put NPC in-game?? where should i put the txt file??

and can someone help me in the stats adder scrips and broadcaster??

Thank you.. Admins here are 100% responding thanks! \m/, (O_o) ,\m/ rock on
NPCs are already in-game. However, to add new NPCs, you need to have the actual script.

1: Put the script in the npc\custom folder
2: Open up scripts_custom.conf in the npc folder
3: Add this row at the end

npc: npc/custom/????.txt

Replace the ???? with the name of the .txt file.

As for the stats adder scripts and broadcaster, please describe more what it is you want help with and what the scripts are.
well, I understood that they're NPC scripts :P

But what are they supposed to do? If you can explain it well enough, I might either know which script you're looking for or I might be able to script them.
it goes like this

stats adder - gives 10 additional stats to whis he want to put in
ex. his agi is 200 when he choose to buy agi +10 stats it will automatically at
10 to agi

210 agi
10 stats will cost 3m

broadcaster- broadcast in the whole server or a specific place...

thats what i meant.. sorry for the noob question.. well not actually noob XD

um my warper script has an error what will i do??

It says

-- error about the
bad duplicate name < npc/My Npc/town_warper.txt> not exist! warpra
Hmm, didn't know there was a stats adder script. I can most likely script one for you though if you wish.

As for the broadcaster, there should be one on the eA forums somewhere.

Hmm... there should be more about that error. If you could copy and paste it the way it looks in eA, that would help =)
^.^ i thought u have script one tholike se in the OLD vanro

the broadcaster like those on nickout..

^.^ hmmm damn warper scripts still cant find a way to resolve the problem ^.^

u have other scripts there???

please give me some of your best scrips XD thx..
some of my best scripts?

Look in the eAthena/npc/quest/seals folder :P

I made sleipnir_seal.txt though MasterOfMuppets took full credit for it after I left the eAthena dev team.

Anyway, can you write the error for the warpra? I want to see exactly what the error looks like, then I can probably fix it for you.

A broadcaster can be scripted, same with the stats adder. I can make them for you when I have time =)
wow nice seals XD brilliant!!

nah nvm with the warpra.. i gave up on that..

U can make one for me??

thanks man...

God..I knew something good will happen.. thank you very much kargha

thank u
If u have the scripts you can mail me... [email protected]..

And again.......

Thank you very much.. yo if i have problem i can send u an email.. thx man ur d best

oh w8 a second.. damn! i cant use the /str+ ?? /agi+ ?? etc..
how can i activate those cmd's??
Kargha, these scripts are already available on the eAthena forum.

For the Stats adder they just use a GM command (@agi, @str,...) depending on which stat the person wants to buy. They also have a Stat Point seller which sells 1000 stat points for 10 000z or something like that. (can easily be modified)

Then for the broadcaster, you can find hundreds of them on the eAthena forum or make your own, like I did.

Anyway, the "make your own" message is meant for walter, not for Kargha ;)
yep, @str is a gm command, /str+ is not useful as you increase str, agi etc when you level up in the charcater window
ahmm guyz can you please teach me how to make my own server?
You should watch out when you ask something like that. They will probably start flaming.

Look, this is a Private Server forum, so don't you think there would be "guides" to help you create your own private server? ;)

Please search before posting. :) Just a hint.. ^^
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