where can i get yoyos?

Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
Merry England
hey can some1 point me in the right direction ive done google searches ive searched amazon and i cant find anywhere to buy a frikkin yoyo... >.<

i really want 1 lol i used to be quite good with them till my dog chewed mine up as a puppy :(

i dont even care if i have to get it imported lol i just want a decent yoyo :D
I got mine a few years ago from a toy store, and no it's not some junky piece of crap, it's a pretty good one...

Hmmm now you make me want to search for it. >.<
Yup Toy'R'Us do them.

Or if you have one nearby you could try "Domino's" cos they just about everything toy wise.