Where is this world going to?

Feb 18, 2003
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Sometime ago a 15 year old girl died in the Netherlands, nothing special you would think, well the girl died because of to much XTC.

These days it's normal for 13/14/15 year old girls already drinking alot of Bacardi Breezers, going to disco's (which you even need to be 18 for) and using drugs there.

I don't understand this, the Netherlands is a wealthy country, if they would make the laws better then alot of this could be prevented.

The mainly problem ofcourse is with the parents, they let their daughters (it's mainly young girls that do this kind of stuff) go out at night, ofcourse they shouldn't, it's not healthy at all, they know they go into clubs and disco's, use alot of alcohol, possible drugs and then ofcourse you have all kind of horny drunken guys there...
Still there is nothing you can do to prevent idiotic people to stop getting childeren, however laws should be made better, officially no one can go in under 18 (at least at most places) however alot of girls around 15 can get in there without a problem.
Why can't they just make the simple law that people don't get in without showing a ID, and if they still let people under 18 in that they need to pay like 25.000 euro.

I think this is so sad, i mean look at such a girl, they are 15, using drugs, are drunken alot, very unlikely to be still virgin, and this all because of what? By the time they are 20 they will be nothing, their whole lifes will be ruined, they will probably get some guy that will threat time like shit and won't give a single bit of respect to them either.

This stuff makes me sick.
I agree with the parents thing. A lot of parent let their young children go 2 certain places and it's obvious they gonna b gettin up 2 that sorta shit. If my mum knew how much I drank I'd hav no internet and I'd b grounded 4eva (not that I'd stick 2 it tho :P) lol
i know its fukin sad.. i mean once my mate was in a club and he got with this girl and he was having a great time then he asked how old she was and she sed 15 and he was like wtf and pushed her away but she didnt understand y?? they think they are older than they are and they end up being hurt. but some clubs will let them in underage just because they are good looking, sad really :(
girls today like older men. Some men will fuck any1 so age is no barrier.

Myself I like older women mainly around the ages 16-19 I dont think Id eva go any higher or any lower.

I hate the sort of girls who are all like yea I shagged this guy blah blah blah and I wouldnt normaly give a toss but when they blurt it out and act like "omg I cant believe u jus sed that" it pisses me off and its like no wonder your a slut. You all must know the type of girls Im on about.

Grr I hate them!

and lmao at mental
Erm your talking about older women, then you talk about 2 years older....

When people talk about older women at around 18 then they talk about 30+....

Anyway 16 is as low as i would go, i just got 18 so that's fine with me, as for older i don't know, i wouldn't want some old woman so don't get me wrong, but if i was in love with a 25 year old girl then i would go for it for sure.
ive lived in holland 2 months now o_O fuckin weird country, propah weird country, its all the opposite of england
DonTonberry said:
Well like 25 ain't a big deal, they still look good and afterall it's the inside that counts, so if both the outside and inside is good then why not.

yea I know -_- I jus explained. It would be ok for you but a 16 yr old walking abt with a 25 yr old in England would be strange imo.
I'd go no lower then 15 (yes I know my ex was 14 but she was nearly 15 and I'm nearly 17 now :P) wouldn't go out with ne1 older then 18 either