Who you known longest online/RZ

Feb 20, 2003
Reaction score
Manchester UK
well ive known JaRule the longest on rz way back into the early 2002 areas and is a good m8 :P but we not talked as much lately >.<

also Nik-C has been prob my best m8 online for agesssssssss known him since June 2002 ish and probs the only online m8 that i can trust that wouldnt be two faced and stab me in the back or hopefully never say shit behind my back :P and he knows i wouldnt do that to him.

Ive known most peeps on rz since about december 2002 i think

whos ur best m8 online and known longest
the m8 ive known longest on the internet is my m8 from australia i met him in eaaaaaarrly euromir beta recruited him for the Zfighters guild lol

i was Ztrunks he was Zmysticgohan still talk to him pretty often hes a good m8, and he currently owns it up on runescape

longest known on rz.. i dunno O.o
thinking back the best remembered was KingKong from ages ago cant really remember any before i was m8s with him but hes not here anymore so i now guess its gotta be stri cos he got me to leave KKs guild twice lol O.o

edit: it might actually be sol cant remember who i knew properly 1st, definately stri ingame and sol via forum
Longest person ive known (other than real life friends) that i can remember is prolly neosparky and jerry.

first time i met stri was at BW store (cant remember exactly when).
first time i met neo was when hunting luckys in MP
first time for ex would be in WT KR... (thought he was a right weirdo when we first met.... now hes even more of one :D )
My left testicle.

Ive known him since day one and weve grown together, and have a great understanding of eachother.
Hmmm, this is a very hard question...........

I've been online since late 80's lol, and haven't been involved in any communities other then this so the 1st person I have known must be neosparky since she gave me the 1st ever warning and how I ended up here as we speak.........
Longest person on the internet (that i really still have contact with ofcourse) would be Abi and Rich, they used to have a relationship and ran a gaming site with forum together, i joined there back in august 2001, i still talk with Rich from time to time, but Abi isn't much online anymore.

Anyway as for RZ it certainly would be MentaL, we started off bad lol, i don't fully remember what happened back then, but it was about a tele ring, there was one stolen and he was accused of it, so anyway he posted a picture of his bag and all but it was 100% clear it was edited, i compared it with a picture of my bag and he just done some copy pasting lol.

Thing was that i only later found out that it was him, as his char was GODapocolypse.

Besides him it would be Cap and DTB, we actually were in the same guild, and we got along back then, well kinda at least... i think... o.O

I remember killing LordMentaL - a really, really hard mob, the people of the old RZ (october 2002 ish) will remember it - with Cap and some other people, and i got my first BIM there, and yes i got it from Cap. ;)

Btw the BIM stands Black Iron Mace, it was only later when Cap bimmed me in storage. :tp:
Hulkster said:
Hmmm, this is a very hard question...........

I've been online since late 80's lol, and haven't been involved in any communities other then this so the 1st person I have known must be neosparky since she gave me the 1st ever warning and how I ended up here as we speak.........
i'm responsible for getting him here :cry: neway i remember the warning... and you were mighty pissed off at me for it until you figured out i was a girl... :P

neway i remember bananaman and diablodoom... the GODs (and dan, GODapocalypse :p) midha, babybear etc from even earlier... mir wise neway

THE longest i can possibly think back, i THINK the first person i ever met on a mmorpg (lineage) was sang (rain).. had never seen him irl at the time, was a friend of jerre(cinder)'s and now he's in the same class as me... coincidence eh? O_o
ShinigamiEvil said:
Rannie cos i live with her :P

:drooling1 you live with the anime freak ^^

hmm...longest person online...erm....probably...someone outta my mir list (85 to pick from lol) but outta rz i THINK it was becky as i seen BlueMage in bw sz when i teled there and said a quick lo :P

(this doesnt include RL friends on my list lol)
Dunno really.. I've met many a people on the net... None that I have kept in touch with over the years besides r/l friends.... On RZ first person I really talked to was Dralm and Chibi, then slowly more and more.. The thing is I'm rarely on messengers or anything because a)im 5 hours behind most here b)im usually at school or work anyway or c)when im online at home, im playing a game of some sort :P

So I suck to be an online friend :) But at least I know and admit it.
Becky said:
Dunno really.. I've met many a people on the net... None that I have kept in touch with over the years besides r/l friends.... On RZ first person I really talked to was Dralm and Chibi, then slowly more and more.. The thing is I'm rarely on messengers or anything because a)im 5 hours behind most here b)im usually at school or work anyway or c)when im online at home, im playing a game of some sort :P

So I suck to be an online friend :) But at least I know and admit it.

cool you know chibi :D

ive known him since early mir beta (if its the same guy lol)
havnt spoken to him in ages tho >.<