well ive known JaRule the longest on rz way back into the early 2002 areas and is a good m8
but we not talked as much lately >.<
also Nik-C has been prob my best m8 online for agesssssssss known him since June 2002 ish and probs the only online m8 that i can trust that wouldnt be two faced and stab me in the back or hopefully never say shit behind my back
and he knows i wouldnt do that to him.
Ive known most peeps on rz since about december 2002 i think
whos ur best m8 online and known longest

also Nik-C has been prob my best m8 online for agesssssssss known him since June 2002 ish and probs the only online m8 that i can trust that wouldnt be two faced and stab me in the back or hopefully never say shit behind my back

Ive known most peeps on rz since about december 2002 i think
whos ur best m8 online and known longest