whos more intelligent?

whos more intelligent?

  • michael jackson

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • mr t

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • neither, (LOOSERS)

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters
Neither cus one plays with kids and the other cus i dont like him :p
pussy scared of getting on a plane :p
randyrandy said:
Michael Jackson is gay and Mr. T- i duno who he is lol

So i vote neither :)

You don't know Mr.T???!?!?!?!?

Him and Hulk Hogan were in Wrestlemania I back in 1984. They were in a tag team fighting Paul Orndoff and Rowdy Piper!

Hes the dude with the mohawk hairstyle, lol.
Hulkster said:
You don't know Mr.T???!?!?!?!?

Him and Hulk Hogan were in Wrestlemania I back in 1984. They were in a tag team fighting Paul Orndoff and Rowdy Piper!

Hes the dude with the mohawk hairstyle, lol.

I pity da foo who dont know MR.T! :no:
Why would someone call this intelligent, after what he does to children and to himself.


  • jacko - whos more intelligent? - RaGEZONE Forums
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Eny Micheal jackson fans or ppl that yada yada yada plz do not read the following joke.

When do you know its bedtime at the neverland ranch?


When the big Hands touches the little hand.

I know its sick :repuke: but stilll funny
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