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Why is Bleach called "Bleach"

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Mar 28, 2006
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I see no comparison in Bleach to the name "Bleach"

Anyone know why it's called that? Could be for no reason, I'm just curious xD.
There is no official reason to why Bleach is called Bleach although there are a few theories put forward. The First being that when Japanese people bleach their hair occasionally it doesn't go so well and goes Orange rather than Blonde. Ichigo is attacked in one manga chapter by a guy claiming Ichigo stole his hair style (In fact the guy bleached his hair, Ichigo just had his normal hair). The third being that the Shinigami "Bleach" the souls of the hollows and spirits sending them to the afterlife, cleansing them.

lol is that a reason?
There is no official reason to why Bleach is called Bleach although there are a few theories put forward. The First being that when Japanese people bleach their hair occasionally it doesn't go so well and goes Orange rather than Blonde. Ichigo is attacked in one manga chapter by a guy claiming Ichigo stole his hair style (In fact the guy bleached his hair, Ichigo just had his normal hair). The third being that the Shinigami "Bleach" the souls of the hollows and spirits sending them to the afterlife, cleansing them.

lol is that a reason?

Good enough for me lol.
Well its called Bleach because its not called flower?
Well its called bleach because the manga artist now days know that not only japs read there work but so does all the world so they make english frendly names for there mangas. Its a lot easyer to remeber. And especialy for long series they take short names.
because he liked nirvana and their first album was colled "bleach"
you can notice in the episode where Don Kanonji appears there are various citations from the text of the song “smell like teen spirits” of nirvana
Lolz good question i asked the same when i first heard of it,,, i reckon its cos the nirvana idea up there , it sounds the most plausible since many ppl dnt care bout the name aniwaiz the creator just had fun ^^
i read an interview with tite kubo at one point, he mentioned it was called bleach because of ichigo's hair, ginger jap kids get picked on alot.
Kinda scary how I knew that, yet I don't know anything about Bleach or any other anime series for that matter!

Guess I've been on the Internet a little too long.